Getting Away

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Bella's POV:

I sat in the lobby as Alice and Jasper checked out. How would I even get out of their sight?

I sighed, "For Esme." I whispered.

I pulled out my phone and began looking up what I thought to be my former home address. The pictures of the houses all told me how wrong I was.

Who asks someone for the address they lived at when they were three?

I sighed and kept at it until I figured out the house, but by then they'd finished check out. "Come on, Bella!" Alice chirped.

I followed, "Where are we going?" I questioned.

"You really have been asking that a lot lately haven't you?" Alice giggled. I rolled my eyes and she continued, "We're going to the airport. Edward's flight lands at about 9:00."

I nodded, that would give me enough time to plan. I tried to subconsciously not make a decision, so Alice wouldn't see.

We got into the car and she drove towards the airport. If Edward's flight lands in five hours, that probably meant he was just now getting on it.

Theoretically, if I wait until the plane lands, I'll have ten minutes to slip out. I could tell Jasper and Alice I needed to use the bathroom, but then she might follow. That's a pretty good idea, but not a risk I'm willing to take.

I needed to get something to eat. If they asked to come with what to do?

I could say that I might be a while, and they'll want to be ahead of the crowd, in order to get to Edward faster. That did sound like a good idea.

I looked at my phone 4:30 in the morning. So, if his flight lands at 8:45, I just have to wait for another couple of hours. I honestly probably needed a shower. It's Wednesday, I haven't showered since Sunday. I shuddered at the thought.

"Do you need anything, Bella?" Alice chirped.

"A shower," I muttered.

"I saw a rest stop nearby. You can get a shower and some food," Jasper added.

I kicked myself internally, guess the bathroom plan would have to work.

I nodded, and then we departed. I tried to memorize the layout of the airport. Bathroom, food court, etc.

Once we got outside the parking garage was surprisingly empty, and we walked to the car without a single car pulling out in front of us.

I sighed as we drove to the rest stop, what a place.

It was literally torn to pieces, but that somehow made it even more beautiful.


"Wow," I whispered. That shower was amazing, and the food? Yum!

I looked at my watch 7:45.

Crap, less than an hour left. We sped back to the airport, and by the time we got in, it was 8:15. "Bella!" Alice chirped.

"What is it Alice?" I whispered.

"Your phone is thirty minutes behind, and your boyfriend's flight is five minutes ahead!" she giggled.

Oh no. "Uhh, Alice. I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back!" I yelled, taking off.

I sprinted for the bathroom just in case she looked. I left through another exit and ran for the entrance of the airport.

Of course, I stumbled, tripped, and accidentally bumped into people on the way.

I looked at my phone, 8:55.


I found a taxi and slid in. I gave him the address and he drove. I cried silently in the back.

I tried to imagine what it would be like if I had stayed. Seeing Edward come out of the gate, probably one of the first people, if not the first.

He would've enveloped me in his arms, and taken me somewhere far away.

Maybe somewhere wet and rainy? So he could be seen midday. Or remote? I tried to imagine us somewhere with no one else, it felt nice, but it wouldn't have been the same without the rest of my family.

I sighed as we reached the edges of Phoenix. I don't regret the decisions I've made to get myself here. They're also the decisions that'll lead to Esme's safety.

I tried to focus on my breathing, and I shut my phone off. Simply because they wouldn't be able to track it.

"We're here, ma'am," the guy muttered.

"Ah, yes," I fumbled around in my bag until I found a one hundred dollar bill. "Here, keep the change!"

His jaw dropped and he greedily ripped the bill from my hands and sped off before I was completely out. "Ow!" I screamed as I fell to the ground.

Why am I even reacting this way? The pain I'll experience later will be way worse.

I brushed the gravel off of my jeans and turned the doorknob, and it opened without effort. I pushed inside and ran around trying to find something.

There was paper on the phone, which was hanging on the wall. I dialed the number, and had to redo it three times before I could get it right.

"Isabella, I'm impressed," he laughed, "I thought this might be harder."

"Yeah, well, I got away." I muttered.

"Okay, how about you meet me. In order to get your mother back. Sound good?" I rolled my eyes as he spoke.

"Yeah, name the place," I whispered.

"How about your old ballet studio?" he laughed. "You have twenty minutes."

He hung up and I quickly grabbed a piece of paper.

Dear Eddy,

If and when you find this. I hope you do at least. Just remember how much I love you.

Don't go after the psycho. James, was it?

It's just what he wants. Consider this a final request?

If you don't grant it, I would've been sad. But I'm incapable of emotion, because I'm dead.

Please, remember I love you. Always and forever.

I started running. The studio was fifteen minutes away, so I had time.

I kept praying and praying they wouldn't see me. I'd never ran faster in my life, and I was there in twelve.

I fell to the ground, out of breath. "For Esme," I whispered.

I pushed the door open, ignoring the paper saying it was closed for spring break. I looked around, and it was just as I'd remembered.

I smiled as I saw all the beautiful paintings, but I was interrupted by screaming. "Esme!" I yelled.

"Bella? Bella? Bella where are you?"

I pushed past a door to see a video of Esme, "Oh, Carlisle! I've lost her!" She began sobbing.

A little Bella came out, "Boo!" and everyone bursted into laughter.

I sighed, "She's not here." I laughed and leaned against the wall.

"You don't seem mad I tricked you," the familiar voice said, almost intrigued.

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