14. Fever

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And here I go overreacting again. Why do I always have to do this? The Atom Bomb will get angry again, and then poor little things will bear the brunt of his fury.

"Sorry, ha," I murmured softly, running my fingers over the items adorning the dressing table.

If he didn't want to marry me, then why did he agree to it? He could have easily said no. But the truth is, his refusal could have landed me in even more trouble. I would have ended up marrying that jerk Vishesh or someone even worse, like my brother-in-law. Ugh! Why are most men so awful? Where was your focus when you made them, God?

Sanskaar isn't terrible, I mean, if I compare him to others. But still, this is a mismatch. We aren't made for each other.

Whenever we talk, it's either because of a fight or simply because we don't. That man seriously lacks communication skills. There's only one expression he knows, and that's his Atom Bomb face.

Ugh! Nakchada Bandaar

(Ugh! Stubborn monkey!)

God knows how his first wife used to handle this attitude of his, I am already sick of this man. He would barely smiles, I mean one must keep smiling but he does the opposite. He lacks every basic thing that makes animals as humans.

His first wife.

Ah! I remember I am the second one. But I never got to knew about her, not from him neither from his family, not even his siblings. No one ever talk like this house had a daughter-in-law earlier as well. God knows wha went wrong between both of them. But somewhere I had this feeling that he loved her or maybe it is my mere imagination.

I have seen it in his eyes, the burning eyes. Whenever he gets angry in our fights his eyes becomes teary if you look closely, his brows rather than raising falls down, he rarely grits teeth in anger, rather the line of his lips falls down.A strange panic develops in him, as if something is eating away at him, and if he doesn't behave that way, he'll lose control.

Maybe I'm overthinking again.

But where did he go? It's almost 1 AM, and this man is missing. But why should I care? It's his choice; he can go wherever he wants.

Hearing the sound of the rain, I walked out to check if there was anything outside that could get wet. My eyes fell on the garden, lush with greenery, and there was a figure lying on the ground. The water droplets fell on him, but he showed no movement. It was him.

Our eyes met, his burning with intensity. Somehow, in the moonlight, I could see his well-defined features, water droplets cascading from his hair to his eyes, cheeks, and lips, trailing downwards.

I turned away and walked back inside, shutting the balcony door firmly behind me.

This man really needs to use his brain. Is he a child who needs to be taught not to stay out in the rain for too long, or he'll get sick? It's fine if he's angry; I admit I overreacted a bit. Only a bit. But he can show his anger inside the house as well, rather than going out.

No, no. If he stays inside, he'll just create a mess of things. He better stay out, but not in the rain.

But still, feeling guilty, I wasn't ready to accept my mistake. This man needs to learn a good lesson. Let him suffer a bit; maybe he'll come to his senses. Huh!

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