Chapter 81 The Popular New Humans

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With Ronnie's support, Saria's bases had increased to four. However, Yurina's company was in trouble, and Shadow's sales had dropped in the last ten days. She had to ask Ronnie: "What should we do?"

Ronnie had no good idea, so he called Gina for advice. Gina said, "After all, the rich people around You City are a minority, so in order to achieve long-term development, we need to introduce products that ordinary people can use."

"What do you have in mind?" Ronnie asked.

"If we can produce some service robots that can help people with their chores, and the price is a little lower, the market prospects should be good."

Yurina interjected, "This kind of robot has been produced by Nine Stars United for a long time, it's not uncommon."

"How much do they cost? what kind of services can they provide?" Gina asked.

"Their robots are called 'Dry Ducks', they cost about fifteen thousand star coins each, and they can do most of the housework as well as buy food for their owners."

"If our price is half of theirs, or even less, and the performance is still similar to theirs, it should be very marketable," Gina said.

"This robot is easier to make than the 'Shadow' and the materials don't need to be as good, a cost of around two thousand should be enough."

Gina rejoiced, "Then we can beat them on price."

Ronnie left the development to Tom. He had hoped it would be done quickly, but it took Tom six months to complete the task. When two robots, one male and one female, stood in front of him, he was a little less convinced. These two robots were extremely human-like and could not be seen as robots from the outside. The main thing was that the girl looked a bit like his sister Alice while the boy looked like Tom himself, "What's going on? why is it made to look like Alice?" Ronnie asked.

Tom blushed and said, "No, I guess not! Boss, you're looking at it wrong, it's just a slight resemblance."

Lily looked at the robot girl, "It is a bit of a resemblance, Tom, be honest, do you have a crush on Alice?"

Alice could see the resemblance to herself as well, but she didn't say anything. Yurina spoke up, "Such a highly simulated robot must be expensive to make, right?"

Seeing that the topic had changed, Tom was busy explaining, "It costs about six thousand star coins."

"Ah! didn't I tell you to reduce the cost? how come it's twice as much as the original 'Shadow'?" Ronnie was annoyed to hear this.

"Listen to me, boss, even though the cost is a little higher, these two robots need to be injected with skin growth fluid every year, we're selling them cheap now, and every year in the future, we'll have income from the growth fluid. In the long run, the income is many times greater than a one-time sale."

"I think Tom's idea is good," Gina chimed in from the side.

Alice nodded, "I think it is a good idea, too."

With the support of the two women, Tom's spirits were lifted. He continued, "Not only can this kind of robot do housework, it can also continuously learn to adapt to its masters, and even act as a sister, brother, lover, father, and mother."

After his introduction, Ronnie finally had a smile on his face, and the next thing was the price. The few people discussed for half a day and finally set the price at eight thousand Star Coins. Yurina looked at the female robot that was even prettier than herself and was not convinced, she approached to look and exclaimed, "Her skin really has fine sweaty hairs."

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