Who He's Jealous Of

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Neil ~ He's pretty chill with everyone and has a lot of trust in you. If he had to be jealous of anyone, then he would be jealous of Knox. You and Knox have the same sense of humor so you get alone. Sometimes Neil gets jealous of how you two interact and how comfortable you are with him, but you constantly remind Neil that no one can replace him. 

Todd ~ Definitely jealous of Charlie. Sometimes Todd wishes he can be as confident and charming as Charlie, and he thinks you would want to be with someone like that. You love your shy boy Todd, and prefer him over a troublemaker. 

Charlie ~ He's lowkey jealous of Cameron. Since you two are family, you've known each other for a while. Charlie won't admit it, but he knows Cameron is super smart and has a good future ahead of him, and sometimes he doubts himself over that. 

Knox~ Meeks. Knox has always been impressed by Meeks and is sometimes mentally intimidated by him. They're both good friends but whenever you need help with work you always go to Meeks instead of Knox. He understands that he's not as book smart, but he just brags how street smart he is instead. 

Meeks ~ He loves Neil like a brother, but he always feels compared to him. Neil is a bright and good student that everyone loves, and Meeks hates competing with that. They both get along super well, but when Meeks sees you with Neil he just gets second thoughts. You always reassure Meeks that you two are just friends which helps him feel better. 

Pitts ~ He'll openly admit to being jealous of Charlie. In Pitts eyes, Charlie is like a celebrity. Sometimes you're actually jealous of Charlie from the way Pitts talks about him. 

Cameron ~ This is a secret type of envy that he never talks about, but he's jealous of Todd. He never really got that close to Todd, so when everyone started liking Todd, he got jealous. You notice it and tell him that he has nothing to worry about because Cam and Todd are two very different people. 

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