What Their Parents Think Of You

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Neil ~ This is a rough topic with him, as we all know. His mom loves you and she's super sweet, but when his father is around she sort of shuts down. His father tells Neil to break up with you, but he actually fights back which you're so proud of. 

Todd ~ He told his parents that he's dating someone and they asked to meet you. All of you went out to lunch and after that meeting they never asked Todd about you again unless Todd brought you up. They liked you but also didn't pay much attention. 

Charlie ~ They both like you. They hope you can be a good influence on Charlie and get him to become a calmer person. They push Charlie to marry you as soon as possible but Charlie just shakes off his parents. 

Knox ~ They're both very nice to you, but his mom loves you. Knox is a mama's boy and tells his mom everything. So when she finally meets you, she had high expectations, and you met them all. 

Meeks ~ They're just like Meeks. They're both super sweet and welcoming. You feel very comfortable around them. They think you're a lovely girl for Meeks. They tease about you two having smart kids which makes Meeks very red. 

Pitts ~ His mom is protective of him and it took you a hot second to get through to her, but you eventually did and she liked you. His dad is pretty laid back and was happy if his son was happy, which he was.

Cameron ~ At first they were both skeptical because they didn't want Cameron's attention taken off of school, but they met you and saw how good you were doing in school, and that calmed their nerves and they welcomed you to the family.

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