A Chance Encounter

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The Doctors, Rose, and Amy walked over to a coffee shop to figure out what was going on. Doctors on one side of the table, companions on the opposite. There was a bit of an awkward silence when they sat down, which was expected. No one knew what was going on anyway.

"Isn't this a paradox? Both of you being in the same place?" Rose asked, breaking the silence.

"It should be. Somehow... it's not." Her Doctor replied. "Two of the same people can't be in same place at the same time. Yet, this is happening." He stared off into the distance blankly, gathering his thoughts.

"Yes, this would normal cause some kind of backlash," The Eleventh Doctor continued his past self's thoughts.

"Meaning?" Amy curiously chimed in.

The Tenth Doctor snapped out of his stupor and glanced over at his future self, "It's uh... timey-wimey stuff." The man in the bow tie replied.

"'Timey-wimey?'" Ten, Rose, and Amy shot him a confused look. "Do I end up using that someday?" The Tenth Doctor turned to the Eleventh.

"To answer your question, Amy, bad things. Bad things would happen." Eleven replied, trying to smoothly change the subject.

"Like those time reapers?" Rose piped up, receiving a nod from her Doctor. "But worse." He added.

"Worse? People disappearing isn't bad enough?" She felt some anger building up.

While Ten and Rose were having their own conversation, Amy looked over at her Doctor with a look of utter confusion. "Doctor, who are they? What's going on?"

"He's me. Well, he was. Past me, the one before this one," He caught himself rambling before continuing, "She... Is very complicated." He gave Rose a quick glance before looking back at Amy.

"Complicated? Like, what, an ex-girlfriend of yours?" Amy made sure to tease him on the last part.

"Something like that." He replied, shaking his head side to side a bit.

Things seemed to have calmed down between Rose and Ten, so Eleven and Amy turned back to them.

"Come to any conclusions?" Eleven asked, well, himself.

"No, but, I wouldn't worry too much about," Rose replied for Ten. "I wouldn't take it too lightly, either." Ten piped up.

"This is a very strange chance encounter," Amy added to the conversation.

(A/N: hopefully this one actually works! So sorry about the last time! Hope you enjoy this update and the ones to come!) 

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