Let's Be Alone Together

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Switched up the titles from MCR to Fall Out Boy! Maybe Panic! At The Disco next!
knock knock-knock knock knock knock

Someone was at The Eleventh Doctor's TARDIS door. At nine in the afternoon? or three in the morning, honestly, he couldn't tell anymore. Either way, it was late, and-- who could even reach him out here? The TARDIS was in the middle of a faraway galaxy!

The alien man hesitantly made his way over to the door, carefully putting his hand on the handle. Eleven opened the door quickly to just get it over with.

"What are you doing here?" Eleven asked, obviously surprised but still a bit tired.

"I..." The Tenth Doctor decided he already looked desperate enough standing here in the midnight of the night and let out a sigh, "I'm looking for Rose. She's with you, right?"

"Not right now. She's over at Amy's," Eleven shrugged a bit and walked over to his TARDIS' console and Ten followed him inside, "I hope Amy hasn't run out of custard. Or fish sticks."

Ten gave his future self such a look, "Fish sticks... and custard?"

"What? It's really good!" Eleven defended himself.

"Right then."

The two Doctors sat in an awkward silence for a moment. It was broken by an even more desperate Ten.

"So, can you take me to Amy's house?"

"In the morning. Well, later in the morning maybe," Eleven tapped a couple buttons on the console and glanced at the screen, seeing it read '3:37 AM.'

"They're probably asleep. I suppose getting some sleep won't hurt." Ten walked over to the door.

"No slumber party?" Eleven joked with a smile.

Ten couldn't help but smile, "I'll take a raincheck."
Rose sat at the window of Amy's bedroom. She had been up all night, thinking of the Doctor. Her Doctor. Eleven was nice, eccentric, and never a bore, but he wasn't the man she fell in love with. Well, he was. Kinda. Rose loved The Tenth Doctor. Let's just leave it at that before things get overthought.

It had been weeks since the incident between Rose and Ten, and nothing seemed to distract Rose enough to keep her mind off her love. A lack of sleep was certainly not helping. She simply couldn't stop herself from dreaming about that wonderful man she had met by chance. She could be with him, forever theoretically. Rose couldn't care less about how much time she had with him. She just wanted to see his face.

At least, in her dreams.

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