I'll Be Holding On To You

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Rose was over at the kitchen sink washing up the dishes from break, staring out the window above the sink and humming a little tune.

"Rose, you really don't have to wash the dishes. I can do them later." Amy walked over to Rose and turned off the faucet, "Come on, we have to go look for the Doctors, right?"

"Right!" Rose grabbed a towel and dried off her hands, folding the towel back up and placing it back on the counter, "Let's go!"

The girls made their way over to the door, but stopped as a familiar sound of whirring came from outside and a blue box appeared in Amy's garden. They immediately ran outside as the Eleventh and Tenth Doctors stepped out of the TARDIS to greet the girls.

"Well, Raggedy Man, this scene seems familiar." Amy smiled a bit at Eleven, who looked a little embarrassed.

"Yes... sorry about that." He chuckled nervously.

"It's alright," Amy walked over to Eleven, giving him a hug, "It's in the past. At least you didn't crash down here this time."

Eleven let a light chuckle escape from his lips, leading Amy into the TARDIS after pulling back from the hug.

Ten and Rose were left alone, neither knowing what to do or say, so they just stared at each other. A stare that was longing and heartbroken but too scared to admit it.

Rose finally was the first to speak, "Hello, Doctor.."

"Hello, Rose." Ten shuffled his feet a bit, still not knowing what to do or say, but not wanting more silence, "How are you?"

"Why are you really here? It's obviously not to ask how I'm doing." Rose was still a little mad at the Doctor.

"You're right. Actually, I--" He finally looked up at her face, getting a good look at her, "You look very tired," He walked over to her, softly cupping her face in his hands. "When's the last time you slept?"

"Last night."

"For how long?"

"A few hours."

"How many is 'a few'?"

"Five. Maybe four.." She said the last part more to herself, but Ten still heard and looked shocked.

"Why haven't you been sleeping, love?"

"You. I can't think, I can't sleep knowing you're out there. So lonely. I worry about you." She pulled away from his hands, turning away, "But you obviously didn't worry a lot about me since you sent me away. You didn't even try to talk to me.." She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as her vision clouded.

"Of course I worried about you. I bugged my future self in the middle of the night just he would take me here, to you. I only sent you away because I didn't want to see you hurt!"

"I don't care if I get hurt! I'd rather be hurt and with you, than lonely and worried about where you are, how you are, what you're doing. I know how you get when you're lonely. I never want you to feel like that." The tears finally spilled down Rose's cheeks as she turned back around to face Ten who looked absolutely crushed and heartbroken. He hadn't realized how much of an affect he had on Rose. He was just one person, but to her, he was the entire galaxy. Someone she loved and wanted to protect with everything she had. Someone she would do anything for, as long as he was safe and happy. Someone she couldn't stand being apart from.

Again, he was at a loss of words and actions, so he simply gave Rose a hug, holding her tight as she cried into his chest, "Rose, I.. My being lonely doesn't matter if it hurts you,"

"Don't say that. You're so important," Her words were muffled and barely audible.

"And so are you. You are the most important person to me, don't ever forget that."

She sniffled and looked up at him, her eyes red from crying, "Really?"

"Of course," He gave her a smile, "And I'd absolutely love it if you came home."

She smiled brightly back at him, "I'd love that, too." Rose stretched up a bit to press her lips into the Doctor's, both of them smiling.

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