So Long and Goodnight (Part II)

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The Tenth Doctor was very conflicted about how to feel.

He should be happy. Right? The love of his life is safe and sound and... something will happen to her later and it will be all this fault! His future self had informed him, but now Ten wished he hadn't known. Nothing can change what's already in place to happen, right?

"I'm... glad you're okay," Ten said to Rose, before turning back to the TARDIS console.

Amy sensed a tense moment was on the rise, and gestured for Eleven to follow her out the door to wait outside. Rose sat up and just looked at the man she loved, trying very hard to busy himself at the console. She knew the TARDIS well enough now to know that there was nothing wrong with it.

"That's all you have to say?" Rose asked, getting up and walking over to Ten.

"Honestly, yes. I am glad you're okay," He replied, still twiddling with the console.

"Well, I'm not okay right now. Something's bothering you, and you won't tell me."

"It's nothing; nothing for you to worry about."

"We both know that's not true. Anything that's bothering you this much can't be taken on alone. We're a team now; you can tell me anything."

"I wish that were the case.." The Doctor couldn't bring himself to look Rose in the eye.

"It is! There is nothing in this world that you can't tell me."

"Rose. You have to leave," He finally found the courage to look Rose in the eye. She looked as if her heart had just been shattered to pieces, which was exactly how she felt.

"Wh-What?" She managed to get out.

"Something is going to happen to you. A-And it'll be all my fault. I care about you too much to let anything ever hurt you. So, what's the worst that I can say? Things are better if..." He trailed off, turning his back to her. He had already broken her heart, he couldn't bare to see the look on her face.

Rose stood there for a moment, letting everyting she had been told sink in. Tears prickled at her eyes, but she wouln't allow them to spill over onto her cheeks and down her face.

"Things are better if I stay," Rose finished for him, placing a light kiss on his cheek, "I've said it before, I'll say it again. You're not getting rid of me that easily. Do you really expect me to believe you'd ever hurt me?"

The Doctor jerked away with a rather meloncholy expression, "You know I want nothing more than to spend my lives with with you, but I can't. I can't be happy knowing that at any moment, you could get hurt, and it will be all my fault for not protecting you."

"So, what are you saying, Doctor?" Rose looked disappointed.

"So long.. and goodnight, Rose Tyler."
Don't hate me!! Especially for the very not subtle MCR references. I'm a nerd, sorry! ^u^ Next Part will be up probably this week sometime. ~hilaremCantor <3

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