His Rose, Her Doctor

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The Doctor decided he didn't like his previous incarnation's clothes, so he changed into a brown suit and tie with a long brown coat and a white undershirt.

As she waited outside, Rose's head was buzzing with so many questions about Time Lords. Since she didn't get to grow up there, Rose wanted to learn more about Gallifrey. So, once he came out of the TARDIS, The Doctor told her all about the people, the nature, and pretty much anything she wanted to know.

"So, does every Time Lords have names like "The Something" or just you" Rose asked.

"Some of them. Not all of them. Some of them go by actually names. I have a name, but I just go by The Doctor," The Doctor replied.

"What is your name, anyway?" she asked.

He whispered it in her ear because he doesn't say his name out loud.

"Okay, so anything else you want know about Gallifrey?" The Doctor asked.

"Nope, I don't think so. You've answered all of my questions," Rose replied.

"So, how long are you going to stay with me?" he asked.

"Forever because I made my decision a long time ago and I'm never going to leave you," she replied.

The Doctor smiled. He looked at Rose's eyes and she looked back at his.

'It's okay. It's okay to love her. She's like me and she's not gonna leave me like everyone else,' The Doctor thought to himself.

"Um, so, where do you want to go?" he asked.

"Anywhere, I guess," Rose replied.

"You can fly, if you want," he said.

"Sure, as long as you help me," she said.

They stepped into the TARDIS and Rose flew the TARDIS by herself to 2519 Earth. While Rose went to explore outside a little, The Doctor grabbed his bio-damper. He had something special in mind.

"Doctor, this is amazing!" said Rose.

"Yeah, well, I guess it is," said The Doctor.

'But not as amazing as you," he thought.

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