It was the summer of 2001...

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hehe not really. anyway! I thought of a thing because I feel like this would be really fun! Okay...

Would anyone actually want to write a story with me?

Okay, hear me out! This is by no means an original idea, I've seen this done by numerous writers on here and it seems like a lot of fun!

It wouldn't be this story or anything. It'd be a complete new story. Same ship, different ship, just a story, all of that will be decided later (when I actually find someone to collaborate with.) I just wanna see who's interested!

And sorry, I use this to make PSAs and stuff cuz I feel like more people would look at it. The alternative is my message board thing, buuuuut this seems better. I swear, I'll make up for it with a fresh new update this week!

Anyway, comment or message me or something to let me know if you're interested! I'd love to hear back from you guys!


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