So Long and Goodnight (Part I)

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"We shouldn't stay for too long." The Tenth Doctor warned.

Rose, Amy, and Eleven all pouted at him. Rose and Amy, playfully, while Eleven was rather sincere.

"But we were having so fun!" Eleven complained to his past self.

"Yes, but this," Ten gestured to himself and his future self, "Shouldn't be happening. Time itself could be collapsing as we speak!"

"Doctor?" Amy chimed in abruptly.

Eleven brushed her off. "Not now, Amy. You think one little meeti--?"

"Doctor?" She tried again.

"Just a second! One simple slip up in time is not going to--"

"Doctor!" Amy all but screamed.

"What?!" Both men turned toward her to find Rose, cradled in Amy's arms and passed out.

"She just suddenly fell over onto the ground. I couldn't just leave her there!" Amy tried to explain, but both Doctors, especially Ten, had their eyes fixed on Rose.

"Rose?" Eleven choked out meekly, running a few fingers down the blonde lady's cheek.

"L-Let's get her to the TARDIS." Ten managed to get out before the tears welling up in his eyes. He almost lost her once, it wasn't going to happen again.

You might think this situation to be pretty odd when you give it a second thought. A centuries-old alien man, carrying his newly-discovered-alien-lady-of-the-same-species bride-to-be, with his future self and future companion running close behind, to a strange, and very out of place, 1950's Police Public Call Box. Honestly? Those men have been on stranger journeys.

After a not very swift kick open of the Tenth Doctor's TARDIS doors, he gently set Rose on the floor. Eleven stayed next to her while Amy walked over to the man approaching the desktop.

"You two must have something special, yeah?" Amy smiled a bit.

"I... yes. Yes." Ten answered simply, eyes glued to the blank desktop.

"You're not looking at anything."

"I'm thinking."

"About her?"

"Of course."

"What do you think happened to her? She wouldn't just faint without a reason."

"How's Rose?" The Tenth Doctor completely ignored Amy and rushed over to The Eleventh, who was gently holding onto Rose.

"She's still breathing. A bit more slowly, but still breathing. I--" Eleven's response was cut short and muffled by his sobs into Rose's shoulder as he held her closer and tighter.

Ten's voice was gentle. "What happens to her? I know we lose her at one point or another; she's not here right now."

His response took a moment to appear. "I... can't relive that again."

"It was terrible, wasn't it?"

"I couldn't save her.. you. You couldn't save her; there wasn't a way. In no timeline, or future.."

"Me? This me?"

"Soon, sooner than you might think, a choice will decide your future together. Like choosing which cup-a-soup is better, a difficult decision, but it turns out well in the end." Eleven tried to lighten the situation, earning a light chuckle from Amy.

Ten decided not to ask anymore questions. He probably already knew too much. What choice was to be made? How much of his future with Rose will be affected? When will it--?

"...Doctor?" Rose turned her head just slightly to peer over at her Doctor, the man she hoped to marry.

Ironically enough, I named the chapter before I even thought to put Helena in the little... Place where you put pictures and videos and chiz. It just kinda fits, y'know? I mean Rose doesn't die or anything. Yet. Hehe. I'm probably kidding! Probably. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this very long chapter! See you in Part II! ~hilaremCantor

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