You Remind Me Of A Former Love

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A few years later...
Rose smiled brightly as she walked around the TARDIS, looking under every nook and cranny. There were a lot of places to look. After all, this was the TARDIS, a box to anywhere with a million rooms which was just barely an exaggeration. Rose giggled a bit to herself as she looked around, though she wasn't looking for something, but rather someone.

"Lilly! I'm gonna find you!" Rose stated in a bit of a spooky manner.

A small giggle gave Rose a bit of a smirk as she turned around and listened to find the giggle's origin.

"Come out, come out wherever you are!"

Lilly remained silent this time, but some very familiar bright, blonde hair caught Rose's eye from under the console.

"Ah-ha! I found you!" Rose giggled and she picked up her daughter out from under the TARDIS console, and gave her a little tickle, "You certainly have your mummy's hair!"

Lilly laughed with glee, "Yay!"

"Well, it seems like you two are having much too much fun without me." The Tenth Doctor appeared under a door frame leading to the console room with a playful frown.

"Aww..." Rose placed Lilly down on the floor, "Go give your daddy a hug and make him feel better."

Lilly nodded and immediately scampered over to her father, giving him a tight hug on his legs, "I love you, daddy," She gave him a warm smile.

"I love you, too, dear," The Doctor bent down, scooping her up in his arms and hugging her back.

"It's good to have my two beautiful girls around," He smiled at both of them, receiving a smile back from Lilly and a kiss on the cheek from Rose, "Happy fifth anniversary, darling."

"Happy anniversary, love. I'm so glad we're a family," Rose smiled at the Doctor.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."
Wow. I'm a softie.. Okay... I love this book too much to let it go this easily, so.. I'll make a sequel. Featuring Lilly ^u^ I hope you guys will learn to love it! I know I will! Expect it soon!

The Story of Tenrose (fan fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ