Watching the kids

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Fikis pov: I walked in the kitchen, grabbing a plate and letting Salam fix me a plate as Bora was giggling in her high chair, Artemi playing with her, Salam quickly cleaned up and sat her plate down, as I sat down next to her and started eating, we watched Artemi and Bora banter to eachother as they ate. I started to drink some of my water when I heard and felt my phone ring, I reached down towards my pocket, pulling my phone out and answering it. Listening to Allison talk to me, Salam looking at me and the phone as she could notice me giggle. I put my phone away, before Salam smiled at me.
"What was it?" She asked, reaching over and eating a bite of her bacon, I looked at the plate for a moment, before looking at Salam.
"Well- you see, Allisons inviting herself and ciara to come and watch our kids, and us go out tonight." I explained, Salam giggling, before patting my shoulder.
"Thats sweet. Where we going?" Salam asked me. I thought for a moment of places we could go.
"A fair i guess." I said, Salam scoffed, looking at me.
"Sure..its been a while since i got proposed to at a fair." Salam replied, turning her head over and watching bora eat, a smile on her face. Bora was a good kid, she didnt scream or yell, at worst she whined a few times. And she is a really heavy sleeper, which is a miracle, a huge one too, like the opposite of Artemi, maybe. I focused back in as I watched Salam pick up Artemi and Bora's little plates, taking them to the sink, rinsing them off and getting the sponge, spraying it with wash and cleaning the plates, she rinsed them off, and sat them in the dry rack. I reached over, handing her my plate as she glared at me, smiling and scoffing, washing my plate off aswell, adding it to the two plates and two forks in the dry rack. Salam walked back over, her hair slightly moving as she did, and sat down, watching the two babble at eachother while smiling.

During the day, the kids chased eachother, which was enjoyable, but it also took time away from enjoying myself, as they always tripped and started crying, but I loved watching them play, its worth it. Salam walked downstairs, wearing a blue cardigan and baggy jeans, she smiled at me, before pausing, looking at me up and down.
"Your..wearing that to the fair?" Salam asked, giggling, as I looked at her expression, confused on why she was asking.
"What? Why wouldnt i? Basic clothes." I replied, before salam grabbed my hands, pulling me up, and up the stairs, inside our room, and gently shutting the door. She walked over to our closet, grabbing out decent clothes and handing them to me.
"Chop chop. Get dressed." Salam demanded, giggling as she walked into our bathroom and shut the door. I rolled my eyes at her, smiling as I pulled off my clothed and got dressed, sitting the clothes i was wearing before in my laundry hamper. I brushed my hair, watching Salam open the door and smile at me, walking over and rubbing my shoulders.
"Well,  now you look much better." She whispered, opening the door and dragging me  down the stairs, I looked at Artemi and Bora, who were peaking over and giggling,
"We wanna come!" Artemi exclaimed, before bora nodded and made giggling noises, Salam sighed, walking over and cupping Artemis face.
"Oh im sorry, you two cant come, its a me and daddy secret, you and Bora have your secrets, me and daddy have ours." Salam said, Artemi sighing and nodding as I heard a knock on the door, I opened the door, as Ciara and Allison charged towards Artemi and Bora and hugged them as they giggled
"Aunty!" Artemi yelled, Allison picking Artemi up and swinging her around in the air, smiling at her. Salam backed up and watched, reaching her hand over as I gently grabbed hers. Ciara looked over, smiling at us.
"Go on! Shoo shoo!" Ciara said, as Salam giggled, opening the door and guiding me out, walking down the sidewalk with me as she smiled, twirling around a few times.

We gently opened the door, stepping in as salam silently went up the stairs, I followed behind her, walking to Artemis and boras shared room, peaking in and seeing Allison reading to them, ciara tucking them in. Salam smiled, walking to the bedroom. I stuck around until they both walked out, Allison giggling and whispering.
"Your kids are funny little things." Allison claimed, waving goodbye and walking downstairs with ciara, I watched them leave, shutting the door and locking it behind them. I walked over to me and Salams bedroom, noticing she was already changed into sleepwear, and was laying down. I pulled my shoes off, aswell as my shirt and putting on my pajamas, laying down next to her as  she opened her arms, wrapping them around me.
"We need to get you your sleeping medicine." She said, as I nodded, shutting my eyes, despite id probably not be able to sleep.

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