~Chapter 19~

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"We're here!"

I rubbed away the sleepiness from my eyes. The sun had sunk below the horizon, leaving behind a red afterglow. The sky was dyed in an ombre of colours: reds, pinks, and deep blues. Fluffy clouds stretched across the horizon. I peaked my head to see a tall sturdy stone wall that stood majestically. It traced the outline of the edge of the capital city. A golden dome of light encased the whole capital. A medium sized moat surrounded the stone walls. The water was like a mirror, reflecting the beautiful colours of the sky. A large drawbridge had been lowered. Cobblestones lined the road towards the drawbridge. Lamp posts flickered on as darkness descended, casting a warm orange glow.

There was a queue to get into the capital. Horse drawn carriages and individuals on foot waited patiently and stood in line. Guards patrolled the premises to ensure order. An intimidating aura emitted from them. On their waist hung a medieval style sword that glinted in the evening light. They wore a navy blue jacket with simple gold embroidery along the edges. Their black trousers were tucked into their boots. In addition, they wore a navy blue marine cap. Along the cap there was a golden dragon embroidered across.

A guard marched towards us. He was a young lad with flaming red hair and deep blue eyes. He held the tip of his cap and dipped his head as a form of greeting.

"Welcome to Ingura. As a reminder, to enter you must pay 2 silver coins. Please prepare your payment in advance to prevent holding others up." The guard spoke in a manner that was neither overbearing nor flattering. He glanced at the queue in front and continued, "I bet in about 20 minutes it'll be your turn. Please continue to wait your turn patiently. Thank you." He then walked away and greeted the people who had joined the queue behind us.

"They're really extorting us," sighed Renna. "I remember the last time I visited it only costed 5 bronze coins. Two silver coins is enough to live comfortably for one to two months." I patted Renna to comfort her.

"It's 'cause of the war effort," the merchant, who had let us board his cart, commented. He looked behind us and smiled warmly. "Don't worry, I'll pay for both of your fares as a thank you."

Renna immediately refused. "It's quite alright. I'm very grateful for you allowing us to board your cart. It's been a massive help already." I nodded in agreement.

"I insist. Who knows what would have happened to me if you two weren't there."

"Alright, alright," Renna conceded.

Not long after we crossed the drawbridge. There was a few people left in line in front of us. Up in front a commotion was occuring. A married couple was bickering with the guard in charge of collecting the fares. Unliked the other guards, he was clad in a full set of metal armour. One could only see his ice cold grey eyes. They were like a stormy cloud.

"If you can't pay, leave," the guard emphasised.

"Please, you have to let us in. Our sick son is waiting for us on the other side," wailed the women. She hugged the guard's legs. Her body shook as she sobbed. She looked extremely pitiful.

The guard ruthlessly kicked her away. "I will say it once more. If you can't pay, leave," repeated the guard sternly. A hint of warning was heard in his voice. He rested his hand on the hilt of his sword.

The women's husband helped her up and dragged her away. The woman glared at the guard with hatred.

"You inhumane bastard. Have you no heart?" screamed the women viciously. She struggled free out of her husband's grip and rushed towards the guard.

Worried, the husband yelled, "Lilia come back here!"

Shing! A sword was drawn just as quickly as it was sheathed. Blood splattered everywhere. The women looked in shock at the hole in her chest before falling limply on the ground. The husband rushed towards his wife. His face was frozen from shock.

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