Chapter 46: Holding On

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As Sam approached her house, a sense of unease settled over her like a heavy blanket. The usually welcoming glow of light from within was conspicuously absent, replaced by a foreboding darkness that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Strange," Sam muttered to herself, furrowing her brow in confusion. With cautious steps, she approached the front door, her senses on high alert. The darkness seemed to swallow her whole as she fumbled for her keys, the silence of the night pressing in around her.

With a click, the door swung open, revealing the impenetrable blackness within. Sam hesitated for a moment before mustering her courage and stepping inside. The familiar surroundings felt unfamiliar in the absence of light, casting shadows that danced menacingly along the walls.

"Mon?" Sam called out, her voice echoing through the empty house. No response. Panic began to claw at her insides as she fumbled for the nearest light switch, relief flooding her as the room was bathed in light.

But as Sam searched room after room, her anxiety only grew. "Where are you, Mon?" she whispered, the desperation in her voice betraying her fear. With each passing moment, the silence became more deafening, leaving Sam to wonder what dark secrets her house held in its depths.

Sam's footsteps echoed through the dimly lit house, each creak of the floorboards amplifying the tension in the air. Sam checked every room, methodically scanning each corner, her heart pounding with each passing moment.

In the living room, she paused, eyes darting around in search of any sign of Mon. Nothing. A surge of anxiety coursed through Sam as she moved to the kitchen, peering behind the curtains. Still no trace of Mon.

With each empty room, Sam's worry deepened. She retraced her steps, checking once more under beds, behind doors, and even in closets, their mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

Finally, as she reached the last room, Sam's hands trembled as she dialed Mon's number, the phone ringing in her ear like a drumbeat of fear. "Mon, where are you?" Sam's voice trembled, her anxiety palpable. "Please, come home."

Sam's heart raced as Mon's voice finally broke the silence on the other end of the line. "Mon, where are you?" Sam's voice trembled with relief, but also with a tinge of frustration and worry. "Why didn't you come home? I've been searching everywhere for you."

Mon's voice came through, soft with regret. "I'm sorry, Sam. I didn't mean to worry you. I went to my parents' house for the night." Sam's shoulders sagged with a mix of emotions-relief that Mon was safe, but also a twinge of annoyance at the lack of communication.

"You should have let me know," Sam replied, her tone firm but tinged with concern. "I was so worried about you." The weight of the unknown lifted slightly as they spoke, but Sam couldn't shake the lingering unease.

"I'm sorry, Sam," Mon's voice carried a hint of regret. "Something unexpected came up, and I had to leave your house in a hurry."

Sam's brow furrowed in confusion. "I understand that, but why didn't you tell me? Neung mentioned that my grandmother stopped by and spoke with you." There was a mix of concern and frustration in Sam's voice as they spoke.

Mon sighed softly. "I didn't want to worry you, Sam. Your grandmother just wanted to talk, nothing serious. I didn't think it was necessary to bother you about it." There was a pause before Mon added, "I'm sorry for not keeping you in the loop. I should have communicated better." Sam nodded slowly, the tension easing slightly as they understood Mon's perspective.

Sam's tone turned sharp, laced with sarcasm. "Oh, so my grandmother just wanted to talk, huh? Let me guess, she was probably telling you how wrong our relationship is and how it should end?"

Mon's voice wavered as she responded. "Sam, it's not just about your grandmother. This whole situation is more complicated than that. Our relationship itself feels wrong to me. I've been struggling with this for a while. I'm scared that all your efforts will be for nothing, and you'll end up losing everything if we keep going like this."

The words hung heavy in the air, and Sam felt a mix of anger and heartbreak. "So, you think it's better to just give up? To let my grandmother and everyone else dictate our lives?"

Mon sighed, the pain evident in her voice. "I'm not saying it's easy, Sam. But I can't help but think about the future and what it might cost you. I don't want you to sacrifice everything for me."

Sam's eyes filled with tears, frustration boiling over. "But I choose you, Mon. Isn't that worth fighting for?"

Mon's silence was deafening, and Sam knew they were both standing at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take.

Mon sighed, her voice tinged with frustration. "Sam, it's so complicated. You know that."

Sam's irritation flared. "Complicated? It feels like you're already giving up, Mon. Do you not want our relationship anymore?"

"It's not like that, Sam," Mon replied, her tone defensive but weary.

Sam's voice trembled with a mix of anger and desperation. "Even if you give up, Mon, I'm not backing down from the annulment. I'll still lose everything. Please, don't leave me. I'll have nothing left if I lose you too. You're the only one I need."

Mon paused, the weight of Sam's words sinking in. "Sam, I-"

"Please," Sam pleaded, eyes filling with tears. "I need you, Mon. We can figure this out together. Just don't give up on us."

Mon could hear the tremble in Sam's voice, sensing the tears starting to form. "Sam, please don't cry," Mon said softly. "I can't stand it when you cry. All I want is for you to be happy."

"Mon, don't you see? Only you can make me happy," Sam replied, her voice breaking.

Mon chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. "You're so annoying, Sam."

Sam sniffled, half-pouting. "Why am I annoying?"

"Because," Mon said cheerfully, "your cuteness makes it impossible for me to stay upset."

Sam couldn't help but smile through her tears. "Really?"

"Yes, really," Mon teased gently. "Now, you should go to sleep. I promise I'll be home tomorrow morning. Everything will be okay."

"Promise?" Sam asked, her voice small but hopeful.

"Promise," Mon assured her. "Goodnight, Sam. I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Mon," Sam replied, feeling a glimmer of hope as she hung up the phone, her heart a little lighter.

Sam lay in bed, the earlier tension slowly ebbing away. The conversation with Mon replayed in her mind, bringing a small, relieved smile to her lips. "She didn't give up on us," Sam whispered to herself, a sense of calm washing over her.

Pulling the blankets up to her chin, Sam closed her eyes, the comforting words of Mon promising to come home tomorrow morning echoing in her ears. The weight of the day's worries lifted slightly, replaced by a newfound hope.

With a deep breath, Sam let herself relax, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. "We'll figure it out," she murmured, allowing herself to drift off to sleep, reassured by the thought of Mon's unwavering support.

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