Chapter 56: Our Little One

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With a soft smile, Mon pressed another gentle kiss to Sam's forehead, then tenderly brushed her lips against Sam's. As Sam attempted to pull away, Mon held her gently but firmly, drawing her back into the warmth of her embrace.

"Where do you think you're going, Sam?" Mon asked playfully, her arms encircling Sam in a loving embrace.

Sam chuckled softly, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her in Mon's arms. "I was just going to the kitchen to prepare breakfast," she replied, her voice filled with warmth.

Mon grinned, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Well, why don't we prepare breakfast together?" she suggested, her tone filled with enthusiasm.

Sam's heart swelled with love at Mon's suggestion, grateful for the simple yet precious moments they shared together. "I'd like that," she said softly, her gaze meeting Mon's with a tender smile.

As they moved to the kitchen, Mon kept a close watch on Sam, gently reminding her, "Take it easy, love. Remember, you’re pregnant."

Sam smiled, appreciating Mon’s care. Together, they prepared breakfast, moving around each other with a familiar ease. Mon chopped vegetables while Sam whisked eggs, their movements synchronized in a comforting rhythm.

Once the meal was ready, they settled at the dining table, the aroma of freshly cooked food filling the air. Sam reached across the table, taking Mon’s hand in hers.

"Mon," Sam began, her voice filled with emotion, "I want you to know that I will always take care of you. And for the family we will be building together, I will give everything I have."

Mon squeezed Sam’s hand, her eyes glistening with love. "We’ll take care of each other, Sam. You, me, and our little one. We’ll build a beautiful life together."

Sam’s heart swelled with love and gratitude. "I love you, Mon," she said softly.

Mon leaned in, her voice a tender whisper. "I
Mon smiled playfully, picking up a fork. "Alright, let’s see if your cooking skills are good enough for me to consider marrying you after your annulment," she teased.

Sam laughed, watching anxiously as Mon took a bite of the food she had prepared. Mon closed her eyes, savoring the flavors, then opened them to meet Sam's gaze.

"So," Sam asked with a grin, "does it meet your standards? Am I good enough to be your wife?"

Mon pretended to ponder for a moment, then nodded with a smile. "Absolutely. This breakfast is perfect, just like you. You definitely pass the test."

Sam’s heart fluttered with happiness. "I’m glad," she said softly. "I want to make you happy every day."

Mon leaned over and kissed Sam on the cheek. "You already do, Sam. You already do." love you too, Sam. More than words can say."

Sam teased Mon, her eyes twinkling. "It feels good to say 'your wife' when I'm talking about you."

Both chuckled, the warmth of their laughter filling the room.

Then Sam's expression grew more serious. "Mon, do you think we can use all the information you discovered for the annulment?" she asked, her voice tinged with hope and concern.

Mon nodded confidently. "Yes, Sam. We can. I think it's solid evidence, and it will help our case."

Sam reached across the table, taking Mon's hand in hers. "You know, Mon, you're the only right decision I've ever made. I don't know what I would do without you."

Mon squeezed Sam's hand gently. "You won't ever have to find out. We'll get through this together, and we'll build the future we both deserve."

Mon and Sam spent the day together at home, their shared moments filled with tenderness and care. Mon hovered protectively around Sam, ensuring she didn’t overexert herself.

"Here, let me get that," Mon said, reaching for the plate Sam was about to wash.

Sam laughed softly. "Mon, I’m pregnant, not made of glass."

"I know, but I want to take care of you," Mon replied, her eyes soft with love.

They moved through the day in a harmonious rhythm, preparing meals together, sharing stories, and planning their future. Mon kept a close eye on Sam, making sure she was comfortable and relaxed.

In the afternoon, they sat on the couch, Sam resting her head on Mon’s shoulder. Mon gently caressed Sam’s belly, feeling a deep sense of connection and responsibility.

"You know," Mon said softly, "I’ve been thinking a lot about our future. I can’t wait to meet our little one."

Sam smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Neither can I. And I’m so grateful to have you by my side, Mon."

Mon kissed Sam’s forehead. "We’re in this together, Sam. Always."

As the evening approached, they prepared a light dinner, with Mon taking the lead. They ate together, sharing laughter and dreams for the days ahead.

After dinner, they cuddled on the couch, watching a movie, Sam’s head resting in Mon’s lap. Mon played with Sam’s hair, feeling a profound sense of peace. As they were winding down, Sam felt a sudden pang of craving. She looked at Mon with a sheepish smile.

"Mon, I know it's late, but I'm really craving some pickles and ice cream," Sam admitted, a little embarrassed.

Mon chuckled, her eyes twinkling. "Pickles and ice cream? That's an interesting combination. But if that's what my love wants, then that's what we'll get."

Sam's face lit up. "Really? You're the best, Mon."

Mon grabbed her keys and gave Sam a reassuring kiss on the forehead. "You stay here and rest. I'll be back in a jiffy."

While Mon was gone, Sam settled on the couch, her heart filled with warmth and gratitude. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have someone as caring and attentive as Mon.

Mon returned quickly, triumphantly holding a bag with the coveted pickles and ice cream. "Mission accomplished!" she declared with a smile.

Sam's eyes sparkled with delight. "Thank you, Mon. You're amazing."

As Sam dug into the unusual combination, Mon sat beside her, watching with amused affection. "How is it?" she asked, curious.

Sam took a bite and laughed. "Surprisingly good. Want to try?"

Mon made a face but leaned in to take a small bite. "Interesting," she said with a chuckle, wiping her mouth. "But I'll leave the rest to you."

They spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing, Sam savoring every bite of her craving while Mon kept her company.

Later, as they got ready for bed, Sam snuggled close to Mon. "Today was perfect, thank you for everything, Mon. I don’t know what I’d do without you."

"It was," Mon agreed, leaning down to kiss Sam’s forehead. "And we’ll have many more perfect days, I promise."

They ended the day wrapped in each other's arms, ready to face whatever challenges came their way, knowing their love would see them through.

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