Chapter 57: The Trail of Evidence

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Sam and Mon got ready to meet their friends Yuki, Tee, Jim, and Kade. They were excited to catch up and spend some quality time together. Sam double-checked her outfit in the mirror while Mon gathered their things.

"You look great, Love," Mon complimented with a smile.

Sam grinned back. "Thanks, Mon. You're looking pretty sharp yourself."

With a final glance around the room, they headed out the door, hand in hand. The sun was shining, and there was a spring in their step as they made their way to meet their friends.

As Mon and Sam entered the restaurant, Mon gently guided Sam to the table where their friends were already seated. With a smile, Mon helped Sam settle into her seat, ensuring she was comfortable.

Their friends greeted them with warm smiles and playful teasing. "Well, well, look who's playing the role of the doting partner," Jim quipped, earning a chorus of laughter from the group.

Mon chuckled good-naturedly, giving Sam's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Hey, someone's got to take care of this little one," she replied, affectionately rubbing Sam's back.

Sam rolled her eyes playfully, but there was a fondness in her gaze as she looked at Mon. "I'm lucky to have such a caring partner," she said, smiling gratefully.

As the waiter served their drinks, Mon quickly noticed that among the glasses of wine, there was one meant for Sam. With a concerned glance at Sam, Mon swiftly intercepted, gently pulling Sam's glass away.

"Sorry about that," Mon said apologetically to the waiter. "Could we get an orange juice for her instead, please?"

"Sorry Love," Mon said softly to Sam, exchanging a knowing glance. "No more wines for you for a while, love. Gotta keep our little one healthy."

Sam smiled gratefully at Mon's thoughtfulness, nodding in agreement. "Thanks, Mon. Orange juice sounds perfect."

Jim, observing the exchange, couldn't help but admire Mon's attentiveness to Sam's needs. "You two are going to be amazing parents," she remarked, raising her glass in a toast to their growing family.

As the conversation flowed, their friends admired Mon's unwavering composure in the face of recent challenges. "Seriously, Mon, how do you stay so calm through all of this?" Tee asked, impressed.

Mon shrugged modestly, a small smile playing on her lips. "I guess I've learned to take things one step at a time. And having Sam by my side makes everything a little easier," she replied, giving Sam's hand a reassuring squeeze.

Their friends then turned their attention to Sam and Mon's future plans, wondering if wedding bells might be in the near future. "So, are we going to hear wedding bells soon?" Yuki teased, raising an eyebrow.

Mon chuckled softly, exchanging a glance with Sam. "As much as we'd love to, there's still the little matter of Sam being married to Kirk," Mon explained, a hint of sadness in her voice.

As the conversation naturally shifted to the topic of Sam's annulment, the group leaned in with interest, eager to hear the latest developments.

Sam, with a determined expression, shared the progress she had made with her lawyer. "I've been in touch with my lawyer," she began, her voice tinged with resolve. "We're working on gathering evidence to support the annulment. I've already briefed him on everything Mon discovered, so now it's just a matter of presenting the right proofs."

Her friends nodded in understanding, offering words of encouragement and support. They could see the determination in Sam's eyes and knew that she was doing everything she could to set things right.

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