Chapter 62: Echoes of the Past

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Jim placed a reassuring hand on Mon's shoulder, trying to calm her rising anxiety. "Hey, Mon, try not to worry too much. Sam will be back before you know it," she said soothingly, her voice filled with empathy.

Mon's hands trembled slightly as she struggled to contain herfear. "I-I know," she stammered, her voice tinged with anxiety. "But I'm just... deeply scared."

Sam's past experiences with her grandmother flashed through Mon's mind, intensifying her concern. Memories of Sam's wedding to Kirk because of GrandMother's wishes.

Tee, sensing Mon's distress, interjected gently. "Is it because of what happened last time? When Sam left you?" she asked softly, her voice laced with concern.

As the worry gnawed at Mon, she poured out her fears to her friends. "It's not just that," she confessed, her voice trembling with anxiety. "I'm scared about what if the court doesn't favor Sam. And Nita's true intentions for her... I can't shake the feeling that there's something more."

The sense of helplessness weighed heavily on Mon as she continued, "I wish there was something I could do to help with Sam's annulment."

Kade placed a comforting hand on Mon's shoulder, offering reassurance. "Mon, just by staying by Sam's side, you're doing the most important thing for her right now," she said earnestly. "You haven't given up on her despite of her child, and that means more to Sam than you realize."

Mon nodded, grateful for Kade's words of support, but the worry for Sam still lingered, a heavy burden on her heart as she anxiously awaited her return.

Mon's mind raced with a whirlwind of worries, each more daunting than the last. "What if Kirk uses constructive abandonment of duties as his wife?" she fretted aloud, her voice thick with anxiety. "What if he manipulates that to weaken Sam's defenses for the annulment?"

The thought sent a shiver down Mon's spine. "And what if... what if Grandmother and Kirk use Sam's child to pressure her into staying married?" she added, her voice trembling with fear.

Her friends gathered around her, trying to offer solace in the midst of her turmoil. "Mon, don't overthink things right now," Jim advised, her tone gentle but firm. "We'll cross those bridges if and when we come to them. Right now, let's focus on supporting Sam through whatever comes her way."

Though Mon knew her friends were right, the weight of his worries still pressed heavily upon her, a constant reminder of the uncertainties that lay ahead.

Mon's anxiety mounted as he voiced his deepest fears. "What scares me the most is grandmother's condition right now," she confessed, her voice thick with worry. "What if Sam chooses Grandmother over herself again? What if Grandmother asks for another favor, and Sam can't refuse?"

Kade's expression darkened, mirroring Mon's concerns. "That could happen," she reluctantly admitted, her words heavy with resignation.

Tee's eyes widened in dismay as she heard Kade's response. "Kade, that's not helping," she chided softly, placing a gentle hand on Kade's arm. "We need to support Mon and Sam right now, not dwell on what-ifs."

Despite Tee's attempt to steer the conversation towards a more positive direction, Mon's fears continued to haunt him, each worry intertwining with the next in an endless loop of anxiety.

Tee turned her attention to Mon, her expression softening with compassion. "Mon, I understand your fears, but you're not alone in this," she reassured Mon, her voice gentle yet firm. "We're all here for you and Sam, every step of the way."

She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, offering a comforting squeeze. "Whatever happens, we'll face it together," she promised, her words a beacon of hope amidst the darkness of uncertainty.

Mon nodded gratefully, feeling a glimmer of reassurance wash over her. With Tee's support, she found the strength to face the challenges ahead, knowing that she wasn't alone in her worries.

Meanwhile, with Sam's heart pounding in her chest, Sam rushed through the hospital corridors, her mind consumed by worry for her grandmother. As she reached the reception desk, she hastily approached the nurse on duty.

"Excuse me," Sam began, her voice trembling slightly with urgency. "Can you please tell me where I can find my grandmother? She's in the ICU."

The nurse offered Sam a sympathetic smile, sensing her distress. "Of course, dear," she replied kindly. "Follow me, I'll take you there."

With a sense of relief flooding over her, Sam followed the nurse through the labyrinthine hallways of the hospital,  she finally spotted Neung standing outside the door of the ICU. Relief flooded through her as she rushed towards him.

"Neung!" Sam called out, her voice filled with a mixture of concern and urgency.

Neung turned at the sound of Sam's voice, her expression a mix of exhaustion and worry. "Sam, you're here," she said, her voice heavy with relief. "Grandmother's inside, she's still under observation."

Tears streamed down Sam's cheeks as she approached Neung, her heart heavy with guilt and fear. "Neung, what happened?" she asked, her voice trembling with worry.

Neung's expression was grave as she recounted the events. "Sam, Grandmother's maid called me," she began, her voice faltering slightly. "She found Grandmother lying on the floor. They don't know what happened."

Sam's hands trembled as she listened, her regret washing over her like a tidal wave. "It's all my fault," she whispered, her words choked with emotion. "If only I hadn't fought with Grandmother..."

Neung placed a comforting hand on Sam's shoulder, her own eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Sam, if you didn't fight with Grandmother, she wouldn't have known the truth about what happened to you," she reminded her gently.

Sam's cries grew louder, her shoulders shaking with the weight of her sorrow. "But I didn't want this," she sobbed, her voice barely audible.

Neung's voice was soft but firm as she spoke. "Sam, you need to think of yourself too," she urged, her words a gentle reminder amidst the turmoil of emotions.

Through her tears, Sam turned to Neung, her voice quivering with emotion. "Neung, she's our grandmother. She took care of us, loved us..." Her words trailed off, lost in the depth of her grief.

Neung's expression grew somber, her eyes searching Sam's tear-streaked face. "Are you sure she loved us, Sam?" she asked quietly, her tone tinged with uncertainty.

Sam's cries faltered as she considered Neung's question, the weight of Neung's words sinking in. In the midst of her anguish, doubts began to gnaw at her, casting shadows over her memories of their grandmother's love and care.

Neung's face grew even more serious, a shadow of past pain crossing his features. "Sam, have you forgotten about Song? About what happened to her?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Sam's eyes widened, fresh tears spilling over as memories of their sibling and her tragic fate flooded back. "No, I haven't forgotten," she whispered, her voice breaking.

"And what about what happened to me?" Neung continued, her tone intense and raw. "Do you think I want that to happen to you, too?"

Sam's sobs deepened, her heart breaking under the weight of Neung's words. She shook her head, unable to speak, the fear of repeating the past now mingling with her grief.

Neung stepped closer, her voice softening but still firm. "Sam, I don't want you to go through what we did," she said, her eyes pleading. "Please, think about yourself too. You deserve to be safe and happy."

Neung's eyes were filled with sorrow as she spoke, her voice heavy with regret. "Sam, I failed to protect Song from Grandmother," she admitted, her words laced with pain. "I couldn't save her from what GrandMother put him through."

Sam's heart ached at the raw emotion in Neung's voice, her tears flowing freely as she remembered their lost sibling.

"But this time," Neung continued, her voice gaining a resolute edge, "I want to save and protect you. I can't let history repeat itself, Sam. I can't lose you too."

Sam's sobs deepened, but she felt a flicker of hope and strength in Neung's determination. His words, though filled with regret, carried a promise she desperately needed. She nodded through her tears, silently agreeing to let him help her find a way through the darkness.

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