Chapter 43

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The night had passed by quickly, bringing forth a bright morning, one laced with a flood of emotions.

None of us had slept even for a moment the whole night as they indulged in discussing and consoling each other's concern and fears.

Raelynn has been calm and collected since her breakdown the previous night. There was no trace of any fear or hesitance in her eyes.

She is ready to face the world.

If she had chosen to let me handle this whole mess, I would've done it without a second thought, but when she chose to handle it in her own way and brace its consequences head on, I felt immense pride surge through me.

She just proves over and again with her actions that she indeed is an incomparably strong woman.

However, as much as I admire her strength, I'm not going to let her shoulder everything on her own.

And it's a relief to see her being surrounded by people who genuinely care for her.

Liam surely has a great influence on her and has been the one who had mentored her all these years. I had no hunch as to how he was going to react, but when he wordlessly embraced her without asking any questions, I understood his affection for her exceeds far beyond a mentor and a mentee relationship.

As for Sarah Parker, I got her background checked when I got to know she's a close acquaintance of Raelynn. I couldn't take any chances with a dangerous threat looming over Raelynn.

When I got to know about her, I was surprised at the way she had been persistently trying to reach out to Raelynn the past few years. And seeing her personally, I couldn't help but be impressed at her honest and loyal friendship. Friends like her are hard to find.

And lastly, Milan Cello.

To put it simply .... I don't like him.

I know he's a genuine acquaintance of Raelynn, but his presence around her irks me. It leaves me with a strange bitter irritation.

"I don't want any one of you to be present anywhere near the press conference.", Raelynn's stern tone grabbed my attention, breaking me out of my thoughts.

She was facing the three of them with an unwavering firm gaze, hands folded over her chest.

"We'll just be there to support -", Ms. Parker started, but Raelynn intervened.

"You've already given me immense support, Sarah, and I'm grateful for it. But, I don't want you to come to the press meet.", Raelynn replied calmly.

"Why not?", Mr. Cello questioned, displeased.

"I know each of you want to be supportive, but I also know that if any of the reporters asks anything outrageous, which they will, you'll immediately react. And I don't want you to do or say anything controversial and get unnecessary backlash from the media.", Raelynn answered in a firm tone.

"We won't do anything of that sort.", Mr. Cello argued, frowning.

"I'm requesting you not to come. If you do, I'm sorry, but you'll not be permitted in.", Raelynn stated sternly, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Mr. Cello pursed his lips and looked away, irritated, while Ms. Parker frowned, dissatisfied.

Liam, who had been quiet until now, stepped forward and hugged Raelynn silently and patted the back of her head gently.

"You've never staggered in a fight ever. I'm confident you'll handle this well.", he said gently, his tone laced with pride.

Breaking the hug slowly, Raelynn nodded at him with a confident smile curving her lips.

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