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James greets as Freya enters his home. He immediately pulls her in for a hug, shaking her back and forth. "Boys, good to see ya!" He shakes their hands, pulling them in for a hug with a clap to their backs.

"Jaaammees! Where you been hiding at, lad?" Liam says, giving a returning clap of his own. "We've told you you're welcome for dinner anytime."

"Aaaggh, you know damn hospital keeps me busy. And of course my new roomie." James says, throwing a wink to Aron.

"Yeah yeah, you're the one that wanted this old man." Aron quips back from his spot on the couch.

"You've got me there." James waves his hands to the kitchen. "Just finished up the burgers from the grill, got drinks in the fridge this way. I do have a supply here if you guys are hungry, I just keep those in the chest freezer in the basement."

"You grilled? Dad, it's freezing out there." Freya said in disbelief, shaking her head.

"Hey, no snow yet so I'd say I'm in the clear for it. Also you love when I grill out, so whatchu complaining for?"

"Hope you don't mind, I know you said not to bring anything but I couldn't help it." Camren raises a plate of cheesecake. "Freya mentioned you're a cheesecake man and I couldn't resist the opportunity." James jaw drops at the sight.

"It's that raspberry too?" James throws a hand over his heart. "If you're asking for her hand in marriage the answer is yes, but only if you continue to bring me cheesecake."

"Dad!" Freya stares at him wide eyed, red creeping up her cheeks. Camren laughs, a blush of his own covering his face.

"I simply love to feed is all." Everyone gathered their plates and sat around the table, a comfortable silence filling the room while they ate. That is until James got antsy in the silence, looking over to his daughter as he finishes chewing his bite of cheesecake.

"Mm, hey, how's Eve doing? Been a minute since I've seen that kid."

Half the table when rigid, Aron's mood visibly shifting with the words. He stared down at his plate, looking as though he was in a state of disassociation but really his ears were perked to hear the information. In order to help the pair move past their split, and especially given Eve's fresh entanglement with Desmond, Freya was careful with her words around Aron.

"Oh, uhm," Freya cleared her throat. "She's good. Been busy with work a lot, she's there right now."

"No she's not." Aron cut in, lifting his gaze. He props his elbows on the table, setting his chin on his hands. He meets Freya's eyes and she tries her best to keep her nerves calm and her heartbeat steady. "She doesn't work on Tuesdays."

"She picked up a shift today." Aron narrows his eyes at Freya. "Right, boys?" Camren looks over to Freya, nodding his head before looking back at Aron. Liam was still chewing his bite, lost in his food and not even paying attention to the conversation. He stops chewing when he feels all eyes on him.

"Whot?" He says with his mouth still full.

"He's doesn't even know where he is right now." Freya laughs.

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