Chapter 24: A Father's Love

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Just for clarification, the head canon chapter was written for world-building for my interpretation of the Trollhunter's world in this fanfiction alone. And now without further adieu, Here's the reunion between father and son that Y'all have been waiting for. WARNING: there will be blood and death but I'll keep things as PG as possible if not PG 13 at least  

* English text                                       *Trollish text


(3 days later ) 

 Blinky and Aaarrrgghh were at a loss once again when they heard Borhart crying in his room when he was supposed to be taking his nap. After a quick discussion Blinky and Aaarrrgghh  decided to use their last resort to get their foster son to calm down by taking him out on a walk in the woods. Even though the Monster Hunters haven't been seen in the past few decades, Kanjigar still warned the two to be careful as they take their walk.   

Borhart thankfully seemed to enjoy the night air but still looked down. Unbeknownst to Blinky and Aaarrrgghh, things are going to take a drastic turn and Borhart is going to have the one thing he yearns for the most soon.

( meanwhile with Bular)

After much... much... much convincing from Krax, Bular reluctantly listened to the changeling's advise and go outside for some fresh air to " brighten his mood". During Bular's walk out of the town to head to the forest his foot happened to catch one of those magazines that humans seem to be obsessed with. Out of curiosity Bular skimmed through the pages talking about the town's history during the milk carton pandemic decades ago, Bular recalled the days when a majority of the towns children and teenagers disappeared without a trace and how Stricklander was convinced that it was somehow his fault even though he told the impure time and time again that he was smart enough to know to take a break from hunting and consuming human flesh to prevent a panic of this degree from ever happening.         

Then came those Monster Hunters, King Arthur's so called noble brigade to hunt down the " monstrous trolls" now turned criminal organization that hunted down the very humans that they were supposed to protect for profit.     

He was luck enough as is to hunt the last of their ilk in Arcadia oaks without the Trollhunter stopping him. The only good that came of that small reign of terror over the town was that he got to satisfy his hunger without diminishing the town's population and get his revenge against those hunters for what they have done to troll kind and all of magic kind from centuries past ... even if it was small in comparison.  

Bular felt melancholic as he began to think about the parents of those missing children... to this day no one knows what happened to those lost souls and many still grieve the loss of their little ones. It reminded him of the pain he felt when he left his chi... Borhart to be cared for by the trolls of Trollmarket ... It also gave him perspective of how his father felt when they were separated after the battle of Killahead bridge. 

Bular shed more tears as he made his way into the woods hoping to find solace from his pain.

( a few hours later)

After Borhart settled down for the time being, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh decided to head back home.  

Aaarrrgghh's old warrior senses kicked in and without a second thought, He grabbed Blinky by the shoulder and pulled him close to his body just in time to avoid a net flying towards his back. the net hit the tree in front of Blinky causing Borhart to be startled by the sudden noise.   


Blinky felt his heart turn as cold as ice when he and Aaarrrgghh turned around to see two young looking Monster hunters standing behind them with a net gun pointed at them. For the first time in centuries, the two felt utter fear as they ran for their and Borhart's lives as the two hunters chased after them.  

Some time later during the chase Blinky and Aaarrrgghh ran towards a giant concrete sewer  pipe that could lead them back to Trollmarket... until they were almost caught in an ambush. As Blinky screamed as he did his best to avoid the barrage of arrows, Borhart started crying confused and scared of the situation while Aaarrrgghh broke through the barricades to escape the Hunters.

During all of this Bular felt his entire body freeze when he heard a whelp's crying in the distance... Borhart's crying followed by the sound of Blinky screaming in terror, Aaarrrgghh's battle cry, and shouting from Monster hunters. Bular didn't even waste a second to run towards the scene with primal rage in his eyes, tonight the battle field will be covered in the blood of those who dare threaten the HIS WHELP.

All hope seemed lost when Blinky and Aaarrrgghh got backed into a corner as Monster Hunters surrounded them. Aaarrrgghh stood in front of Blinky ready to break his vow if it meant protecting his mate and their foster child while Blinky tried to think of a plan and keep Borhart safe in his arms. 

" well what are we just standing around for lets get th- ACK"


Bular had charged in swords drawn and practically seething with bloodlust and rage as he crushed the skull of the eldest hunter in the group . The Monster Hunters fired their crossbows at Bular while the Gumm-gumm prince deflected the arrows with his swords 


Aaarrrgghh felt a shiver down his spine hearing Bular's voice. But both he nor Blinky had the liberty to stay still for very long. As they ran from the scene they ran into Kanjigar and explained the situation... and their worries for Bular. While Bular was a fearsome warrior the fact still stands, He was in a poor state of health. Aaarrrggh was espically concred that Bular wouldn't last long against so many Monster Hunters at once and could get seriously wounded or worse...

Blinky  felt so sorry for Borhart as he looked down, the poor thing had recognized Bular's voice the moment that he spoke and now he was crying out for the father that took care of him when he was abandoned at birth and was the only father he had known through out his short life. Kanjigar still felt conflicted about his opinions towards Bular but as the Trollhunter he must do what was right... for Borhart.

For the first time in centuries, Bular felt afraid for his life. Thanks to his neglect of his own health, He was in no condition to fight and was barely able to hold off the Hunters that outnumbered him. As he was backed into the same corner that Aarghaumont and Blinky was standing in, barely able to hold his ground, gravely wounded, and fighting with what little strength he had left. Bular felt light headed being to tired and losing blood from the wound on his side then he fell onto one knee barely able to keep his body upright for much longer 

As Bular's vison began to fade he could have sworn that he saw Kanjigar come in from seemingly nowhere and fighting off the last of the Monster Hunters. As he collapsed onto the ground, Bular spoke out in a barley audible voice before passing out from blood loss

" Borhart... I'm sor... sorry... I couldn't be with y...ou"

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