Verse 12

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Frankly, you have no idea how you ended up in this situation. You had been dragged by Chuuya to drink at this bar that some of the Port Mafia members frequent, and now you're stuck with him as you try to get him home and struggle to keep him still on your back. He wasn't heavy; he was light for a person, but you still lacked the strength to get to his home while giving him a piggyback ride. So here you are wearing his hat since it kept falling off his head as he swayed slightly, starting to wish you had worked on your strength instead of always trying to dodge during those nightmarish training sessions with Chuuya...

Earlier that day...

It has been just over a week since that whole anxiety train ride, where you were unsure if the Port Mafia would punish you or not for your rash outburst, and you've just woken up with a headache. Groaning in pain, you sit up and plant your face into your hand, not completely ready to leave the bed and face the day. While it was rare, you still occasionally suffered from headaches, the kind that almost bordered a migraine, "damnit..." you mutter under your breath, still refusing to move. Despite dealing with headaches like these since before Oda took you in, you have no idea what would cause them; it would soon follow after a particular nightmare, but you didn't want to believe such a thing was the reason; it had to be a physical issue causing it, possibly stress or overexerting yourself. You were anxious for an extensive period just over a week ago and have been diving into job after job since then.

You were too deep in your thoughts to hear Chuuya knocking on the door and entering. "What's wrong with you?" he complains, frowning at you as if seeing your sorry state put him in a bad mood. "Be quiet," you reply, finally looking at him with a disgruntled face before placing your hand on your forehead. You heard the door shut, so you presumed he had left; so after sighing in annoyance, you got out of bed, your hand still on your forehead. Only after moving your hand do you see a startled Chuuya staring at you before he furrows his eyebrows. "Put some damn clothes on!" he yells, his face starting to become flush from embarrassment. It was warm last night, so you had only slept in your underwear, but the yelling from Chuuya only soured your mood more. "Are you such a child that a bit of skin bothers you?" you complain, about to turn away from him, only for Chuuya to forcefully grab your wrist. "What the hell was that!?" he barks back, his anger growing the more you respond to him. "You heard me," you provoked, glaring at him, defiance clear as day in your eyes. You began to feel his grip around your wrist begin to tighten as his fury increased until it got to the point of it hurting, not that you cared right now. " If you're so bothered, then why is it that you decided to come a lot closer and grab me?" you ask, moving your face closer to his, still trying to provoke him. You go to move your free hand towards his face; however, he instinctively grabs your other wrist. Knowing that would be his reaction, you leant backwards towards the bed, and amidst his surprise, you took him down with you, and he finally left to use his hands to stop himself from falling. "So predictable, mr executive," you whisper, still frowning at him as you were still in a sour mood, but you knew such an act would cause him to storm out, and he did precisely that.

You were finally alone. Even before fighting with Chuuya, you had very little energy, so you didn't even have the strength to move from where you were and close your eyes. Despite only half being on the bed, you had fallen asleep, and darkness enveloped you.

"Mm," you mutter, finally waking up from a nap, and you had to admit a little more sleep did help with the headache and your mood as it usually did. At last, you were ready for the day; you were glad today was a day without any jobs, although Kouyou had told you a few days ago that she needed you for something outside of work. Checking the time, you sigh, get up and quickly put some clothes on, just something casual. While your mood had improved, you still wanted to at least enjoy a peaceful day despite what happened with Chuuya during the morning.

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