Verse 11

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You sigh deep in thought, running your fingers through your hair as you sit on your knees behind a gravestone. The Port Mafia still had little trust in you, yet you disobeyed orders and killed the boss they needed alive to get information out of. Yet you couldn't help yourself, especially when you discovered what kind of end someone you began to call a friend, even if it was only when drinks were involved. There were three rules within the Port Mafia. No matter what, follow the boss's orders, don't betray the organisation, and always hit back twice as hard. While you certainly hit back twice as hard, you also disobeyed orders from the boss, the most important rule. So unsure of your punishment, you couldn't help but visit Oda's gravestone; you hoped not to run into Dazai. You might be enjoying the mafia somewhat, but it still irked you that he dragged you back to where you started, not that you were officially part of the Port Mafia previously. After joining the Port Mafia, you could feel a tail on you whenever you went out during your days off; it was always the same fellow, and you pretended not to notice them. Dazai wasn't foolish enough to contact you directly, not with a mafia tail on you wherever you went outside of jobs, and just this once, you were thankful for the little mafioso following you this time. "I wonder what the future holds...?" you mutter quietly, sighing yet again, looking up to the sky, still tightly holding onto the little pawn piece in your hand. "What's a simple pawn supposed to do when a queen piece is a mere few squares behind it?" you mutter, as if expecting an answer from someone, not that anyone could hear your comments. Lifting your hand, you hold the pawn piece, and its pure blackness stands out against the overcast skies. 'I suppose I'll simply take a step forward and await their turn,' you think, finally standing up and waving goodbye to the gravestone you had been sitting behind, not once facing it.

Back at the Port Mafia within one of many of Mori's offices. For a meeting between two executives and the Port Mafia boss, the atmosphere within the room was rather lax despite the conversation. The three individuals sat in overly lavish red chairs with a small round table beside Mori, which had a report of the job you had just completed the night before. "How shall we deal with her for disobeying orders?" Chuuya asks, furrowing his eyebrows at the thought of your actions last night as the response you gave him last night lingered in his mind. "Hm? Deal? I'd say she deserves praise this time; it seems acting rashly worked in her favour; after going rogue and destroying almost everything in her path, we discovered some more persistent rats among the ones she beheaded," he plainly explains as if his hair wasn't tied into little pigtails with little pink bows. Which naturally was Elise's handy work as per usual. "So that's why she's off doing what she wants without a tail on her today..." Chuuya muttered to himself, and Mori chuckled. "No doubt she is aware of what befalls those who disobey orders and fretting over it this very moment," Kouyou mentions slyly, smiling behind her kimono sleeve. "Her choice today might very well decide her fate; let's hope she picks the optimal solution," Mori comments, smiling sinisterly.

 With your future currently uncertain, you decided on what you least expected. After picking up a large duffle bag from Chuuya's residence, you ended up at an orphanage outside Yokohama. You had racked your mind for ideas of what you possibly wished to do if the worst-case scenario did indeed come to pass, and this was the result. After all, you still dearly missed the elated little faces of kids back then when you would gift them your handcrafted dolls. However, unlike those years ago, you have improved your craft, and the dolls are far more durable and pretty.

Not long after your arrival, the orphanage director rushed to meet you and offered to show you around; she was clearly trying to curry favour with you, but the reason was unclear. "The children do not get many visitors, so they are awfully excitable; I do hope you do not mind too much," the Director tells you, sighing in defeat. "It's alright, I know how excitable children can get, especially when toys are involved," you comment, chuckling a little, thinking of the kids Oda took in whenever they received either dolls or clothes from you. "Do you...have children of your own, miss?" she asks, trying to be careful around you. "It simply wasn't in the cards for me, I prioritised my work, and I'm still without a husband, and I believe that a child is best raised with two parents," you explain as you give her a smile tinged with sadness as if to pull at her heartstrings. Before you arrived at the orphanage, you had made sure to achieve a more mature look with makeup and outfits, not forgetting a more refined perfume popular with older women. "Over the years I developed quite the hobby for doll-making which is what brought me here you see," to mention.

Once the sun had set, you called for a taxi to return to Chuuya's residence; after all, you weren't the type to run away, not that running away would have worked. Despite the enjoyable time you had at the whims of the many children while you did what you could to entertain them, you couldn't help but sigh listless as you stared out the window from within the taxi. There was a faint smell of coffee in the car, reminding you of the times you would make coffee for Oda whenever he was tired after working late when he was tossed jobs no one else wanted. There was a time when he tried making it for you on the day he found you amidst rubble and snow, back when you were 15 at the time, not far from 16. The coffee was far too bitter, which only made you wince, but you drank it all regardless since you were so cold and desperate to warm yourself up. It was quiet back then, aside from the occasional visit from Dazai, who seemed more genuine back then, but that all changed when Oda one day returned with the kids he'd rescued during an assignment during the Dragon Head Conflict. When that happened, you would take care of the kids while he was away; it was the least you could do after he saved your life. Yet you...

"We've arrived, miss," the driver states, which snaps you out of your sentimental thoughts. "Ah yes, thank you," you responded, leaving the car soon after. Naturally, you hadn't arrived at your destination after all the taxi you called was just a regular one so you couldn't possibly give them the address you wished to end at. If your luck wasn't bad enough, it starts to rain, and you're without an umbrella, yet you don't even have the energy to sigh in defeat. As the rain began to pick up, so did your heart rate, not that you realised, due to your thoughts being elsewhere.

You finally arrived just outside the door, but you hesitated; you knew Chuuya would be inside waiting, you knew you had disobeyed orders, and you knew how terrifying Chuuya could be, so you hesitated. What sort of act should you put on this time; is there even a point? The more you hesitated, the more your makeup started to run and the more see-through your shirt became, so you finally unlocked the door and entered. Not caring about the expensive jacket you had only recently bought, you rubbed what makeup was left onto it before walking into the living room, where it was strangely dark aside from what little moonlight got through the rain clouds.

It wasn't until the lightning struck outside that you noticed Chuuya's figure sat with a glass of wine in hand. He glances at you before returning his gaze to the wine in his hand as he remains silent. He's ignoring you, so you figure that's a good sign since if he did want you dead, he would've done it as soon as he saw you. Walking past, you head towards the shower, needing to warm yourself up. "You look like a drowned rat," he mocks you, finally deciding to acknowledge you, which causes you to stop in your tracks, yet you refuse to turn around to face him, refusing to see the expression on your face. "Hello to you too mr executive," you respond as you head upstairs, not having the energy right now.

The shower did the trick, and some of your anxieties felt as if they washed away alongside the water. However, it took some time for you to be ready to leave the shower finally; it was strange, but you felt more desperate to hold onto what little warmth you could, and before you knew it, you had been in there too long. You had slipped into something more comfortable and made your way towards the kitchen to make yourself a warm drink; you didn't necessarily want a drink, but for some peculiar reason, the craving for warmth hadn't yet left you.

After making yourself a warm drink, you cup your hands around it as much as you can, holding it close to your face to let the steam envelop your face in warmth while allowing your nose to enjoy the sweet smell of hot cocoa properly. Sighing, you finally pull the drink away from your face and exit the kitchen only to find Chuuya dazed on one of the sofas with his wine now gone on the table. He was drunk. You sipped your drink as you watched his head slowly move downwards while he started to lean forward. Knowing he was about to lean too far and would end up crashing onto the table, you walked over to him, placed your cup onto the table and softly pushed him backwards so he was leaning against the sofa. "Was the wine too sweet to resist?" you ask him, not expecting an answer considering his current state. "Shut up..." he muttered quietly but loudly enough for you to hear. Sighing, you took his overcoat off him and laid him down on the sofa, soon placing his overcoat over him as if it were a blanket. "Mhm..." he drunkenly complains, yet he does not fight back. "Good night Nakahara," you tell him before heading to bed.

Whatever it was, he had clearly drunk himself to oblivion for some reason; even before he got drunk, he seemed out of it and more docile.

You knew the feeling, so you couldn't help but show him a bit of kindness.

✧    ✧    ✧    ✧     ✧

Hello, my dear readers as always I do hope you enjoyed yet another chapter. It seems these days I am off chasing ideas that take some time to be caught so I hope you will all be patient while I do so~

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