Chapter 59

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Javier's POV

With Bre's hand firmly in mine we start to walk further into the park, and I notice a lot more people opted for early entry then I'd hoped for.

"You okay baby?" I turn to Bre who's walking happily beside me, her beautiful curls swaying with every excited step she takes. Laughing a little I think back to this morning, as she talked me through the best hairstyles that go with Disney ears, while being visibly worried she wouldn't pick the best one. We tried several before she decided to leave her hair out anyway- she's adorable.

"Mhm!" She nods, squeezing my hand gently in reassurance. While I try to suppress the frustration I feel towards myself for upsetting Bre a few minutes ago. I couldn't keep my shit together for one day? Especially one that's so important to her?

I turn to her again for a moment before navigating through a small crowd of people throughout a street of western looking buildings- trying to discern potential feelings of anger or frustration she might be feeling towards me after that moment, but there's nothing. She seems happy, even when I'm not as strong as I want to be, so maybe I should just get over myself.

Bre stops in her stride, cutting my useless moment of overthinking short, "I think they have Disney ears in there!" She exclaims, pointing towards a building to the left of us.

"Yeah?" A grin instantly forms on my face.

"Yes! Can we go in there?" She asks, already heading in the direction she's just pointed in. I laugh in response, following her willingly.

We enter the store filled with more Disney merchandise than I thought was even possible. Bre doesn't say anything, as she looks around the store adorably with her mouth wide open in awe. Observing the store with her I realise the sick feeling I felt before has alleviated completely- damn maybe this place is magical, or maybe it's just Breo.

"I- I think I like these ones."

"Yeah?" I respond, looking at the yellow fluffy headband she's holding up timidly, it has a bee on one of the ears and is red on the inside. "That one's pooh bear right?" I ask to bring up her excitement again, I know she isn't the best at asking me for things.

"Mhm." She nods again.

"They match your sweater too." I continue, watching her hesitant frown instantly turn to a smile. She looks down to adjust the sleeves of her puffy red cardigan, partially revealing the T shirt she's wearing underneath that's patterned with pictures of the woods that Winnie the Pooh lives in, alongside the rest of the characters. I remember how excited she was when I bought her some red converse to match the rest of her outfit. It didn't cross my mind how much the gesture meant to her until she sobbed happy tears in my arms later that night.

"They do!" She says with a grin. Attempting to try on the ears but her hair gets in the way.

"Here." I say while walking towards her, holding the headband as she parts the hair in the middle of her head gently, placing the band in the vacant space not long after. Her auburn coils form around it perfectly, like it was made for her. Her gorgeous hair extends upwards from the band, before trailing down, framing her soft dark features, continuing past her shoulders, and stopping at her back. Lost in her beauty for a moment I make no attempt to look away, revelling in the warm feeling that spreads through my chest whenever I look at her.

"D-Do you like it?"

I almost forget to respond. "I love it baby, you're so so beautiful." The words leave my lips tenderly, meaning every word.

"You're beautiful." She giggles nervously as I place a small kiss on her lips, then cheek.

"A- Are you gonna get ears too?" She asks shyly, reaching for what I assume is her tiny pooh bear in her pocket.

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