Operation Macabre Dance - Chapter 10

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Speer looked at the map. Heydrich was gone. What prevailed in Ostprussia was nothing but pockets of SS bandits who would soon be crushed by Goring. So the only real threat left was Goring and Bormann. Burgundy... Burgundy managed to defeat Vichy, In a matter of weeks. Poland fell to Revolutionary's, Ostland was taken over by the Gneralbezirk Lettland, and the Wehrmacht and UPA were somehow holding out against the Republicans and Communists that scarred the Ukrainian country. The African colonies went rouge and Intervened in the South African Civil war. Nothing remains of the colony of Moskowien except the Notfallpräventionsgovernment that ruined the reputation of the Wehrmacht. The British Fascists somehow managed to crush the Revolutionary's somehow, that was one good thing. However, this world was still very much against Germany. America, Japan, Italy and several others scavenging the corpses of the former Einheitspakt. The Wehrkries in Moravia were on Speer's side. But Speer knew he couldn't rely on simple "friends". Dont get Speer wrong; He appreciated Donitz, Erwin and the Wehrkrieses help alot. But this wouldn't cut it if he wanted to win the civil war. A knock on the door is heard as he leans back in his chair. Speer closes his eyes for a second and then stands up "Come in." he says in a serious tone, turning towards the door. The door opens and a soldier walks in "Mr. Speer, I have the update on the situation in the Eastern provinces you were asking for", he says as he closes the door and walks over. "Hand it over." Speer demands as he takes a seat again in his chair. "Yes sir" he says as he hands Speer the report. A battle had ensued in the municipality of Großhansdorf, a relatively small town, sieged by Gorings forces. A battle had ensued there, The Goringites had managed to resist the oncoming assaults for 82 hours, before eventually being forced to retreat back. The conflict, although lasting only a few days, was one of the most brutal ones thus far in the civil war. Speer looks up at the soldier "How many casualties, soldier?" he says as he starts looking through the report, the sound of the page turning is the only thing that can be heard within the room. "6340 on our side and... 9,264 on theirs." the solider says with a sigh, as Speer looks up at him "Are you sure about this number, soldier?" he asks the soldier with a serious look on his face, the solider gulps before nodding his head. "That's fucking absurd!" Speer exclaims loudly. "That town is barely the size required to be a town and were already facing causalities massive enough to be classified as brutal?"

The soldier standing before Speer remained stoic, standing at attention. Speer leaned back in his chair, tapping his fingers together as he pondered the report. "Tell me, soldier, do you understand the significance of this battle and its impact on the war?" he asked, his tone serious but devoid of any anger. The soldier, still standing at attention, responded clearly and firmly. "Sir, while the battle in Großhansdorf may seem small in scope, it represents a significant strategic victory for our side. The Goringites have been dealt a blow here, and their resources are now stretched thin--" Speer cut him off. "And our forces have also been thinned out." The soldier acknowledged Speer's point. "That is correct, sir. However, our forces have demonstrated a higher level of skill and discipline in the field, which has given us a significant tactical advantage." Speer leaned forward, his eyes fixed on the soldier. "But at what cost? Every battle, no matter how small, is a cost spent. We cannot afford to waste resources on insignificant skirmishes when the fate of Germany is at stake." The soldier opted to remain silent. "Get out of my office, call Erwin." Speer ordered, now. The soldier saluted and quickly left the room, closing the door behind him. Speer waited for a few moments before standing up and pacing the room, his mind racing with thoughts. He needed to speak with Erwin, to discuss the situation and plan their next move. Finally, the door opens again and Erwin enters the room, looking equally serious. "Hello, Erwin." Speer began. "Greetings, Mein Fuhrer." Erwin replied back, his voice having that tint of mockery in it. "How was the scavenging in Heydrich's lands?" Speer enquired. "The bastard was about to escape, but we managed to get him before he left." Despite the mockery in Erwin's voice, Speer nodded in acknowledgement. "Well done. His death will no doubt have a significant impact on the morale of his forces." Erwin raised an eyebrow. "And yet we still face resistance in the Eastern provinces. Goring's forces are proving difficult to stamp out." Speer shook his head. "That is exactly the problem. We need to find a way to break their resistance without excessive bloodshed. Every soldier we lose is one less soldier we have to fight our real enemies."

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