From Me, In Poland, To You, In Hell - Bonus Chapter

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Augustyn began writing, his hands trembling upon hearing the news of Heydrich's death, He couldn't believe it... his nerves were shaking. He struggled to write, but went on.

"From Augustyn, in Warszawa

To, Reinhard Tristan Heydrich,

You don't know me, but I know you Mr. "Fuhrer". I wouldn't expect you to know me, after all, I'm insignificant, unlike you. The Reich's butcher you were, I was a mere commoner in the streets of Warsaw. But you shaped my life, you shaped my life Into what it is today. The Zentralstelle, You remember that, no? The same Gestapo unit you used to purge and kill us? You should know, the same Gestapo unit turned against you in the civil war after all. I also assume you wouldn't know my father? the same one your goons beat to death on the streets of Mielecka. I assume you wouldn't. Why would the 'pure Aryan race' care for such bugs beneath them? Your band of criminals ruined my life, my mothers and my brothers. I'm sorry that I gave you the pleasure of murdering my father that night..."

Augustyn stopped, Augustyn breathed deeply, calming his nerves. His fists unclenched, and his shoulders loosened. He read over the letter, reabsorbing its contents. He felt that feeling again, anger and bitterness over what his past was, his father's death. He thought of His mother, of how her life fell apart after the war, how much they struggled to survive.He picked up his pen once more and continued to write. The anger seeped out into each syllable, the ink staining his words...

"Heydrich, You must have felt pain too somewhere in your life, no? No life is played without pain. Perhaps you felt guilty at some point? Perhaps you had humanity in you at some point?"
Augustyn gripped his pen tighter as he thought of that last part, almost snapping it on the spot. That monster, feeling guilt? Having humanity? He shook his head, refusing to believe that someone so evil could ever feel anything close to remorse or sympathy. Nonetheless he continued. "However, most of that humanity is gone, I assume. How could one person cause so much pain on another person? while not even knowing who the person is? I will never meet you, I'm sorry I never had the chance to kill you with my own hands, and that I never will. I'm sorry you never will feel the same pain as the Untermensch you so deeply hated." Augustyn stopped, before continued.

"I hope your enjoying whatever hell is torturing you, may god bless Erwin Rommel for bringing your tyranny down, I hope you enjoy knowing that as you rot in hell, I'm here, In Warsaw, In Poland, In a Free one. No more am I in agony under Nazi tyranny."

Augustyn set down his pen with a deep sigh, his anger had somewhat cooled, but the bitterness remained. He leaned back in his chair and rested his head, staring up at the ceiling. His mind was racing with conflicting emotions, memories of the past and thoughts of the future. He suddenly stood up, grabbed the letter and walked towards the fireplace. As he tossed the letter into the flames, he watched as it slowly blackened and burned, turning to ash. He turned around to leave... but before he did, he muttered one last thing to himself.

"Polsko, dzisiaj tryumfujesz!"

Real Depressing One, eh?

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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