Letting You Go In Crimson

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Chapter 35: (your pov)

I flipped to the next page of her journal, as I saw more tears fricking on the pages, I knew maybe it's the chapter when Aimin had to leave, I can't believe what she has gone through.


Date: September 26, 1816

Dear journal,


I never imagined I would find myself in this situation-packing up Aimin's things while my heart breaks into pieces. Each tiny shirt, each soft blanket felt like a part of my soul being torn away. I sniffled, trying to hold back the tears, but it was impossible. The pain of knowing my son would be sent away, even for his safety, was more than I could bear.

As I was folding one of Aimin's favorite blankets, I heard the door creak open. My mother, Lady Stark, entered the room, her face etched with disapproval. I knew what was coming, and I braced myself for her words, already feeling the sting of her judgment.

Mumma: "Aaira,"

She began, her voice cold and sharp, I hold on his blanket tightly.

Mumma: "I can't believe this is happening. Do you see what is happening here? You should have protested."

I winced at her words, the tears flowing freely down my cheeks.

"Mother, please,"

I pleaded, my voice broke.

"Don't say that. I'm doing the best I can."

Mumma: "The best you can?"

She scoffed, her eyes narrowing.

Mumma: "If this is the best you can do, it's not nearly enough. You're not a responsible mother, Aaira. You've failed to keep Aimin safe, You know what ? He's just a child you think he can survive away from you both ? And now, because of your incompetence, he has to be sent away."

Her words cut deep, each one like a dagger to my heart. I continued packing Aimin's things, my hands trembling, I ignored her words.

"Stop, Mother, please,"

I begged her to keep quiet, my head was already a hurting mess, my voice was a whisper.

"Don't say anything more."

But Mumma was relentless.

Mumma: "You brought this on yourself, Aaira. When you know things were happening to you for days, you could have already told jungkook about them, but you didn't and that's why all of this happened ? This is your fault. You're Such a shame."

I couldn't take it anymore.

"I hate you,"

I sobbed, my voice rising with my anger.

"I hate you so much."

I shouted.

"Why can't you just support me? Why do you always have to tear me down?"

Mumma's expression softened for a brief moment, but it was quickly replaced by her usual stern demeanor.

Mumma: "I say these things because they are true, Aaira. Maybe one day you'll understand that."

"Mumma you know what ? You're the worst mother."

Mumma: "Shut up Aaira."

"No, You know what ? You don't even deserve to be called a mother."

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