Chapter 20

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Everyone felt very uncomfortable when they heard what Su Tang said.

  It is already hard enough for her to take care of her younger brother alone, but she still thinks about her deceased mother. What a good girl she is.

  Now I am still pleading for my grandmother.

  It can be seen that she really didn't know that her grandmother had taken the money.

  The people around who had just eaten Su Tang's free breakfast couldn't help but said: "We were the ones calling the police just now. Miss Su didn't think about it herself."

  "Yeah, she only knew that the money was lost, but she didn't know that her grandmother took it."

  "God has mercy on us. We encouraged this kid to report to the police, but we didn't expect that he turned out to be a thief in our family."

  "Even if she is reported to the police, it is not her fault."

  Pei Fu Yin sighed, looked at Grandmother Su and said, "You should have told us if you took the money from our house. Why didn't you ask? Otherwise, everyone would think our house was robbed."

  Grandma Su's heart was filled with blood and she hurriedly explained: "I told her when she wanted to report to the official!"

  Su Tang frowned: "You just told me that Wang Wu's wife stole the money. I don't believe it, so I will naturally report it to the official."

  "Yes! Everyone just heard it! This old woman slandered Wang Wu's wife."

  "Yes, we all heard it. She asked whether it was the fifth daughter-in-law who stole the money. She also said that everything was fine before, so why did the fifth daughter-in-law come and the money was lost?"

  "Oh my god, if it weren't for the reporting official, if it wasn't for the trust of the boss, this disaster might have happened to Wang's fifth daughter-in-law."

  "This old woman is not a good person. I come here every day to buy breakfast. She doesn't do any work and is very harsh on her granddaughter."

  "My brother was working here as a helper a few days ago. He said that this old woman has been keeping an eye on her granddaughter's money bag."

  "Is there such a thing?"

  "Could it be that this old woman has wanted money for a long time?"

  "If you want money, just ask. After all, she is your granddaughter, why won't you give it to her?"

  "My brother heard Miss Su explain that the family doesn't have much money. It costs a lot of money to send his brother to a private school, not to mention repairing the house, which is a lot of money. Miss Su is also very tight. She said she would definitely give it to her when she was free."

  "That's right. If you had plenty of money, you wouldn't be repairing the house while still having to work from dawn to dusk to sell breakfast."

  "Even so, Miss Su still serves this old woman with delicious food and drinks every day."

She took the money away today, and Miss Su lost all the money she had to buy meat. Now she still owes the butcher's family money."

  "Oh my God, you take away the money bag like this? Is there any grandmother like this?"

  People around were talking a lot.

  No matter how much the culture of filial piety was emphasized, it was crushed by one incident after another.

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