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After that awkward moment and Jackson walking away, all I want is to get out of here before anything goes wrong.

“You guys are going out?” Jaz asks as she looks at how I am dressed.

I nod. “Yeah, he is showing me around the city.”

“Okay, have fun.” I’m no longer sure if she is even talking to me because her eyes are on Lucas the entire time.

After finding a vase and putting my flowers in it in my room, I leave with Lucas. “There is a lot to see. I hope you’re ready, señorita,” were his words before we left the gates.

And boy, was Lucas right. There really was a lot to see. There are so many tall buildings here, and I was so mesmerized by the beauty of this busy city that I became breathless. Lucas told me a little bit of everything as he showed me around, making sure he explained it all to me. I had so much fun that I didn’t want the trip to end.

I already see places I want to hang out in soon, and hopefully, it will be with Lucas because he is so funny; I have been laughing the entire time.

I had called Luisa yesterday, and she asked if we could meet up on Sunday. So I look forward to seeing her tomorrow. I wonder what she looks like now because the last time we saw each other, we were kids. 13 years or so.

When my legs get tired from all the walking, and I feel hungry at 1 pm, we go for a lunch break in what he says is his favorite restaurant. After we order some fries, drinks, and burgers, we talk for a bit.

“So, Laila Ariti,” he starts. “You never really told me your story. You never told me what brought you to the city all the way from the countryside.” Lucas casually leans back with a look in his piercing green eyes that tells me he is studying me. He did mention he likes my last name after I told him about it earlier, and he has called me by both my names more than once.

I chuckle as I look down at the table, feeling uncomfortable that I have to talk about myself. I’m not used to people asking about me. Usually, they never cared, so they didn’t bother. Most people in our town avoid me and the women from our religion because we have different beliefs and values than them, so they exclude us. I feel more comfortable telling him about myself than I did when we first met on the train. So, I tell him all about the goddess, my religion, my future role in the temple, and why I came to the city.

I watch Lucas as I tell him about me, and I see how intrigued he looks. And when he learns about me being the next priestess, something flashes in his eyes, but he quickly changes his expression too fast for me to understand. When I am done explaining it all, he leans forward in his seat and places both hands on the table, leaning towards me. He has a serious look on his face as he asks, “So you are next in line to be a priestess?”

I nod. “Yes. And I am so excited for it. I can’t wait.” I’m sure my eyes are dreamy right now as I talk about something I am really passionate about.

I see some concern in his eyes, and I don’t understand where it is coming from. He looks worried, especially when he asks, “Are you sure this is what you want?”

He looks lost in thought despite looking at me, and the expression on his face tells me he doesn’t like where his mind is taking him.

I laugh nervously as I say, “I am.” I hope he will tell me why he looks concerned, but he just smiles the next second and says, “And that’s all that matters.”

I decide not to ask anything about that and eat a fry before asking, “And what about you? What’s your story?”

He smiles wholeheartedly and leans back in his seat, making himself comfortable. Again, he looks lost in thought as he says, “I live here in the city with my father. I grew up here, although I do have some roots in the countryside where you are from. But, it’s been me and my dad my whole life.”

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