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As the ringing phone continues to disrupt the moment, I reluctantly shift my attention away from the unfulfilled possibility of our interrupted kiss. With a sigh, I divert my focus towards something else, attempting to quell the lingering daydreams that dance in my mind.

Taking a small sling bag in hand, I patiently wait for Jackson to conclude his phone call. His impatience is palpable, and I can’t help but wonder what could be so urgent that it abruptly interrupted our almost-shared moment.

Finally, he ends the call and his gaze meets mine, a glimmer of something in his eyes. For a fleeting second, I dare to hope that he is about to address the unfinished situation between us, to acknowledge the electricity that crackled in the air. But instead, his words take a different direction.

“Shall we?” he asks, his voice laden with a mix of anticipation and invitation. Disappointment tugs at my heart, aching for the unspoken conversation we are leaving behind. However, I push aside my longing and offer a nod of agreement, masking my true feelings behind a facade of acceptance.

Without questioning our destination, I follow Jackson as we leave the house. As we reach his car, he gallantly opens the door for me, a gesture that sparks a flicker of appreciation within me. Slipping into the front passenger seat, I settle in, keeping my inquiries at bay and allowing curiosity to guide my expectations. As we navigate the streets, I find solace in the rhythmic hum of the engine and the passing scenery beyond the windows. The silence between us is palpable, yet there’s an underlying tension that lingers in the air.

I resist the urge to break the silence, opting instead to let the anticipation build. There’s a sense of mystery in not knowing our destination, in surrendering control and embracing the unknown. With each passing mile, my mind wanders, conjuring up possibilities of where Jackson might be taking me, each scenario intertwining with the lingering thoughts of our almost-kiss.

As the journey continues, I find myself surrendering to the allure of the unknown, embracing the adventure that awaits. The disappointment of the interrupted moment gradually gives way to a renewed sense of excitement, a curiosity mingled with a touch of cautious optimism.

With an open mind and a flicker of anticipation in my heart, I silently trust him. I choose to trust Jackson.

After approximately 30 minutes of driving, Jackson brings the car to a stop in front of a seemingly ordinary house. The faint sound of music emanates from within, hinting at the possibility of a gathering or party. As Jackson opens the car door for me, he extends his hand, a silent invitation to join him on this unknown place to me.

Curiosity piqued, I accept his hand and allow him to lead me inside. Stepping into the house, my initial observation confirms its unremarkable appearance. However, as we make our way into the living room, the scene before me reveals the true nature of the gathering. A group of people has gathered here, their presence emanating an air of familiarity. It dawns on me that they resemble the individuals I had recently witnessed engaging in grey street racing on their motorcycles. Almost all of them are accompanied by their significant others, girls dressed in short skirts and dresses, forming a lively group of nine boys. Well, 10 because Lucas is surprisingly among them, seated next to Jaz.

“Vandal!” one of the guys exclaims, greeting Jackson with familiarity and camaraderie.

Jaz’s gaze catches ours, and she immediately springs from her seat, enveloping me in a warm hug. Though a flicker of apprehension lingers within me, fearing she might inquire about what she witnessed earlier in the day, she whispers something in my ear, alleviating some of my anxiety. “There is something I want to ask you, but later,” she confides.

Nodding in response, I break the hug, my breath held, uncertain of what awaits that conversation. I then turn to Lucas, who smiles and waves at me, prompting a return wave from myself.

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