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It feels nothing short of a miracle when I learn that I don’t have the class I attend with Jackson today.

My mind keeps playing the two times Jackson kissed me, though. One on my hand, then the next one on my cheek. Those were my first kisses, ever. No one has ever kissed me before. Not even a goodnight kiss from my mom.

With our last class ending at 12 noon, Jaz asks as we leave the classroom, “Do you want to go where we had lunch yesterday?” She asks with a smile.

“Actually, I’m meeting Lucas for lunch today,” I say carefully as I watch her reaction. I see her smile falter a little.

“Oww. That’s great,” she says, trying to show no emotions in her voice.

I know she likes Lucas, and it’s very obvious that she didn’t like what I said. That’s why, to bring that beautiful smile back on her face, I say with my own mischievous smile, “And, I just texted him and asked if you could join us, and he said yes.”

She looks at me with disbelief as her eyes go wide. “Really?” she asks, as if she doesn’t believe me.

I nod. “Yep. He’s actually waiting for us at the school gate to pick us up.”

And just like that, she starts smiling again. I don’t wait for her to say anything and just grab her hand, starting to run down the hallway. I hear her giggling, and I giggle too as we make our way out of the building.

As we approach the exit of the building, excitement bubbling within me, a body suddenly appears out of nowhere, causing me to collide with it. The impact jolts me, momentarily disorienting my senses.

“Hey, what’s the rush? Where are you two going?” a familiar voice interrupts, instantly recognizable without even looking up. It’s Jackson, there’s no mistaking that voice.

Lifting my eyes, I find Jackson standing before me, his hands casually tucked into his pockets. And he also has that look on his eyes he seems to only have when he is looking at me which sends a shiver down my spine.

Meeting his gaze, I am enveloped in a whirlwind of emotions. Jackson’s words had not been mere bravado; he had indeed succeeded in making himself a constant presence in my thoughts. He was right, what he has been doing and saying to him has made me unable to get him out of my head.

“We are going to lunch,” Jaz responds, stepping closer to my side, her voice laced with a mix of excitement and curiosity. “With Lucas,” she adds, a genuine smile playing on her lips.

Jackson’s eyes shift briefly to Jaz, then return to me, his gaze now filled with a palpable intrigue. It’s as if he’s deciphering the unspoken secrets hidden within my mind. He looks like he is studying, as if his eyes are trying to read my mind or pierce through my soul.

Just as I am about to avert my eyes from his piercing gaze, he utters a sudden declaration that catches me off guard. “Then I’ll join you,” he announces, his voice filled with an unexpected determination.

My heart skips a beat, caught between a surge of anticipation and a whisper of caution. Why would he want to join us? Oh wait, he wants an opportunity to keep bugging me. Of course.

“Uhm, No, you won’t,” I assert, my voice tinged with a hint of exasperation.

“Of course, I am,” he retorts, his tone filled with playful defiance. His mischievous smile tells me he's fully aware of the effect he has on me and is relishing in it.

I shake my head again, this time with more determination. “I don’t think you should come.”

“And why not?”

“Because you were not invited,” I say with a fake smile as I shrug. Then, my face turns serious.

His eyebrows raise in surprise at my refusal. For a moment, a flicker of hurt flashes across his face before he retreats, taking a step back as if I’ve just pushed him away. He dramatically clutches his chest as if he has a heartache, and with a touch of melodrama, he asks, “Ouch! Are you always this mean, Laila?”

When I hear that, my eyes shoot open. I don't know why but I immediately feel guilty. It wasn’t my intention to be mean to him at all; I was just saying he wasn't invited. Actually, I was the only one invited and I requested for Jaz to come along becuase I want to put her and Lucas in the same room and see how it goes. Like a good friend, I am creating a chance for my friend to hang out with her crush.

But now adding Jackson to the lunch without telling Lucas doesn’t feel right. But also, I didn’t mean to be mean to Jackson at all.

Feeling the weight of my own guilt, I attempt to explain myself, my voice laced with remorse. “No, I didn’t mean it in a bad way, Jackson. I didn’t mean to be mean to you at all. I’m just saying—”

“That you’re going to lunch and leaving me here all alone, despite wanting to join you?” he interrupts, his gaze piercing through me, intensifying my unease.

“No, I... I’m just...” I can’t even phrase a complete sentence. My words stumble, failing to form a coherent sentence. “Okay... Okay... You can come,” I reluctantly concede, my guilt overpowering my initial reservations.

A triumphant grin spreads across Jackson’s face as he clasps my hand and begins leading me outside.

But I barely take three steps away when I realize something. He just guilt-tripped me into letting him come.

This sly man just guilt-tripped me!

I look at him with a mix of frustration and disbelief.

I’m well aware that Jackson has skillfully maneuvered his way into our lunch plans, and I can’t help but wonder what his true intentions are. A sense of trepidation lingers, as if I’ve unwittingly stepped into a game where the rules constantly change, and Jackson holds all the cards.

With each step we take, I can’t shake the feeling of being ensnared in a web of Jackson’s making. His grip on my hand, once comforting, now feels like a symbol of his control over the situation. A surge of frustration wells up within me, fueled by the realization that I’ve allowed myself to be manipulated.

Jaz is following closely behind and her presence is the only thing that is keeping me from confronting Jackson right now. I don’t want her to know what’s been going on.

As we approach the gate, I steal a glance at Jaz, hoping to find solace in her presence. She wears a bemused smile, seemingly unfazed by the unexpected turn of events. It’s as if she understands the intricate dance I’m caught up in, perhaps even relishing the drama that unfolds.

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