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The sounds of children playing nearby mix with the distant melodies of street musicians, creating a symphony of joy and celebration. We become part of this vibrant tapestry, our laughter blending harmoniously with the cheerful ambiance surrounding us.

As we slowly finish our ice creams, I steal glances at Jackson, admiring the way the sunlight dances on his tousled hair, highlighting his features with a warm glow. There is an undeniable chemistry between us, an unspoken connection that transcends the surface level of our encounter.

With a genuine smile I can honestly say, I am having an incredible time on this date with Jackson Sullivan. And that surprises me and also delights me.

In that moment, time seems to slow down, as if the universe itself is acknowledging the significance of this budding connection. We bask in the warmth of our shared experience, the remnants of sprinkler water drying on our skin, and the sweetness of the ice cream lingering on our tongues.

With a renewed sense of excitement, we rise from the bench, ready to continue our adventure through the park. Hand in hand, we weave through the vibrant pathways, exploring hidden nooks and crannies, and creating memories that will forever be etched in our hearts.

As the sun begins its descent, casting a soft, golden glow over the park, I feel  eager to discover what lies ahead on this enchanting journey with Jackson Sullivan.


Jackson drives us back home around 7 pm with the sun is setting. As the evening sky paints a breathtaking canvas of colors, Jackson drives us back home, the sun nearing its complete descent. The fading light casts a warm glow inside the car.

I almost think that this is where we both say goodbye only for Jackson to say something about our date not being over as we are supposed to be on a date for the entire day and there are a few hours left before the day is over.

And also, the sleeping on his bed was not a one night thing. Apparently am sleeping on his bed everyday unless he says otherwise. Which might never happened.

He ruins my mood as I was having such a good time with him until he reminded me that I have no say in anything and have to agree to everything he says.

I however, don’t say anything and just be quiet because I am too tired to get angry.

My mood dampens as I contemplate the implications of his statement—the feeling that I have no control over the situation and must agree to everything. It taints the otherwise enjoyable day, leaving me feeling disheartened. Fatigue weighs heavily on me, making it difficult to summon the energy to express my frustrations.

“Come with me, let’s go to the rooftop,” Jackson suggests and I just nod.

He then takes me into his room, opens the window, and has us use the fire escape ladder that takes us to the roof top. He helps me get on the roof and has us sit down next to each other. The sky is clear of all clouds tonight and has so many stars, expanse of twinkling stars. Despite the celestial beauty, a chill fills the air, causing me to instinctively rub my arms in an attempt to warm myself.

The street seems pretty quiet and there is nothing but there is only a few distant barking of dogs here and there.

It feels very cold though and I think he notices because he looks at me then says, “Give me a second, I’ll be right back.”

He then climbs down the roof and gets inside his room using the window. He then comes back almost seconds later with a soft blanket with him. He then comes back and sits next to me. Then, he wraps the blanket around us as he pulls me into his arms warming me up with both the blanket and his body heat, protecting me from the chilling night. I don’t even know if I can keep watching the stars anymore. His arms encircle me, providing both the comfort of the blanket and the soothing heat of his own body, shielding me from the biting cold of the night.

As we sit under the starlit sky, wrapped in the blanket and held by the silence of the night, a wave of confusion and frustration washes over me. I can’t help but turn my head towards Jackson, my eyes searching his face for answers.

“I really don’t understand you, Jackson,” I speak softly, the weight of my words carrying a mix of curiosity and concern.

He continues to gaze at the stars, their brilliance reflected in his eyes. Turning towards me, he asks, “What don’t you understand, Laila?” His voice holds a hint of genuine curiosity, inviting me to share my thoughts.

I take a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before I respond. “Why are you doing this? All of this? Going out of your way to spend time with me... It’s as if you’re chasing after something, but I can’t quite grasp what it is.”

A smile dances on his lips, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Maybe I can’t resist chasing after you,” he confesses, his words hanging in the air between us.

I feel a mix of surprise and apprehension at his response. “What do I look like, a prey?” I ask, my voice tinged with a hint of playfulness, yet laced with a deeper curiosity.

“That’s one way of looking at it,” he replies, his gaze fixed on the vast expanse above us.

A pang of frustration courses through me, accompanied by a touch of vulnerability. “You don’t know me, Jackson,” I remark, my tone filled with a blend of uncertainty and longing.

He finally turns his attention towards me, his eyes searching mine. “Then tell me about you,” he says earnestly, his voice carrying a genuine desire to understand.

The skepticism lingers in my mind, causing me to question his motives. “Are you making fun of me, right now?” I ask cautiously, wary of potential mockery.

A look of surprise flashes across Jackson’s face, quickly replaced by a gentle reassurance. “No,” he responds, his voice filled with sincerity. “I am just curious to know about you. So tell me about you.”

The Secrets Of Grey StreetWhere stories live. Discover now