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I see how angry Jackson looks and how scared Romina is so I quickly say, “She is with me.”

Jackson looks at me, then at Romina, then back at me. “I don’t want her here,” he states with a tone that tells me he is serious. He looks at her like she is something he could care less about and I wonder why. If they were close enough to share such an intimidate moment, shouldn’t he at least care for her? Even just a little bit?

I am about to ask this when suddenly, he smiles at me. As Jackson’s anger dissipates and a smile graces his face, a wave of relief washes over me. Although, the sudden shift in his demeanor catches me off guard. I then notice his arm coming to me and him wrapping it around my waist, then suddenly yanking me to him. He literally pulled me close to him making me yelp in shock and making our bodies clash against each other from the impact.

I stand beside him in absolute shock. Our bodies collide, and a surge of electricity courses through me, leaving me both exhilarated and slightly disoriented. His voice takes on a lighter, flirtatious tone as he addresses me, his fingers tracing gentle circles on my lower back. “Since you’re here, why don’t you tell me how your day went?” His words carry a warmth that contrasts starkly with his earlier seriousness.

Having our bodies so close to each other like that, is doing things to me and making me feel things that I can’t begin to place. I am almost melting with him holding me like that. Caught up in the proximity and intimacy of our closeness, I struggle to find my words. His touch, combined with the mixture of emotions swirling within me, leaves me feeling a mixture of excitement and vulnerability. My mind races as I try to compose myself, my heart pounding in my chest. I have never been held like that before. And instead of pushing him away, I want to stay right here in his arms.

“Um... well, my day...” I stammer, momentarily lost in the intensity of his gaze. Gathering my thoughts, I manage to regain some composure. Jackson’s grip on me tightens slightly, pulling me even closer. His smile widens, and I can’t help but be captivated by his charm and magnetic presence.

“Tell me how your day went, Laila. I’m very curious to know,” he says, his voice low and filled with a mixture of intrigue and playfulness. His eyes lock with mine, and I feel a surge of anticipation building within me.

A flurry of emotions swirls within me—desire and uncertainty. It’s as if the boundary between stranger and acquaintance has blurred, and a tantalizing sense of intimacy hangs in the air. I struggle to steady my racing heart, my mind racing with both caution and curiosity.

As the motorcycles roar in the background and the lively atmosphere of Grey Street continues unabated, I find myself entangled in a web of emotions and desires. The enigmatic allure of this secret place, coupled with the unexpected turn of events, has sparked a flame within me that I can’t ignore.

With our bodies pressed closely together, I can’t deny the magnetic pull between us. But deep down, questions linger—about Romina’s presence, about how he hurt her not too long ago. That is the reason why I am even here in the first place. Yet, in this moment, as Jackson holds me in his embrace, those concerns fade into the background, overshadowed by the intoxicating allure of the present.

I take a deep breath, gathering the courage to snap out of this trance Jackson seems to also put me in, this time being harder than the last. In the midst of the revving engines and the vibrant chaos, I try to stop myself from being lost in the eyes of the enigmatic man who holds me in his arms.

“I’ll tell you how my day went... Only if you hear her out.” I gesture slightly toward Romina, her anxious eyes meeting mine briefly before darting away. She seems to be questioning why Jackson is holding me like that but she doesn’t voice this.

As my words hang in the air, a heavy silence descends upon us. Jackson’s smile fades, replaced by a furrowed brow and a deepening sense of confusion. “Why?” he questions.

His voice lowers, tinged with a hint of frustration and disbelief. “Laila, you don’t even know her, and yet you brought her to me? For what? Why do you want me to talk to her?” The weight of his words hangs between us, casting a shadow over our newfound intimacy.

Sensing his growing frustration, I shift uncomfortably in his embrace, my heart sinking at the unintended consequence of my actions. I clear my throat, attempting to steady my voice, not wanting to betray the nervousness that courses through me. “Look, Jackson,” I begin, my tone slightly wavering. “I’m not sure about the details of your past little relationship or why it ended the way it did. But from what I gather, Romina needs some serious closure. Can you give that to her?”

His gaze flickers from Romina to me, confusion etched in his features. “So she told you about what happened between me and her?” he questions, his voice laced with surprise. “Why would she tell you? You two don’t even know each other.”

I take a moment to compose myself, meeting Jackson’s gaze with determination. “She told Jaz, not me. But that’s not important right now,” I reply, my voice steady but tinged with urgency. “Can you talk to her? Can you give her the closure she needs from you?”

A brief pause hangs in the air, the tension between us palpable. Jackson wears a dry smile, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes, before delivering a blunt response that catches me off guard. “No.”

My heart sinks, and I look at him in disbelief, struggling to comprehend his dismissive stance. “But—” I begin, my voice trailing off.

“Don’t worry about her,” he interjects, his tone dismissive. “She means nothing to me.” Jackson’s fingers gently tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear, his touch eliciting contradictory emotions within me. The weight of his words mingles with the intimacy of our closeness, leaving me torn between feeling flattered and angered by his treatment of Romina.

Confusion swirls within me as I grapple with the complexity of the situation. I find myself questioning his dismissive attitude towards Romina, wondering about the depth of their past connection. Yet, his whispered words, “Unlike you,” create a jumble of emotions within me—flattery, uncertainty, and a disquieting realization that I may be stepping into uncharted territory.

The Secrets Of Grey StreetWhere stories live. Discover now