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As consciousness slowly returns, a searing brightness prickles at my closed eyelids, a persistent intrusion that demands my attention. Annoyance creeps in, mingling with the remnants of disorientation, as I must muster the strength to confront the source of this unwelcome illumination.

With a cautious resolve, I tentatively pry my heavy eyelids apart, bracing myself for the onslaught of pain that accompanies the sudden influx of light. A sharp pang shoots through my head, momentarily clouding my senses, and I instinctively squeeze my eyes shut once more, a groan escaping my lips.

Undeterred, I gather my resolve and attempt to open my eyes once again, this time with a slower, more deliberate motion. The pain, although still present, is dulled to a bearable ache, allowing my vision to gradually clear and my surroundings to come into focus. Yet, I find myself disoriented, as if thrust into an unfamiliar realm that defies explanation.

Summoning my strength, I push myself up, endeavoring to sit upright. A sudden rush of fear courses through me, threatening to overwhelm my senses, but the pain that radiates through my body at the swift movement eclipses the fear, eliciting a pained moan to escape from my lips.

Amidst the throbbing ache, the sound of crashing waves assaults my ears, their rhythmic cadence a stark contrast to the disarray within my mind. I turn my head, seeking the source of this auditory backdrop, and my eyes settle upon the vast expanse of the ocean, its azure depths stretching out endlessly before me.

Casting my gaze around, I take in my surroundings, piecing together the fragments of my fragmented reality. I find myself situated upon a hard, stone-like surface, reminiscent of ancient structures crafted by human hands. Slowly, as the pain gradually subsides, I manage to sit up, my eyes scanning the desolate landscape that extends before me.

I am engulfed by an eerie solitude, the absence of any human presence intensifying the unsettling nature of my predicament. It becomes unmistakably clear that I have been marooned on an isolated island, a conclusion drawn from the pristine sandy beaches, the swaying palm trees, and the vast expanse of ocean that stretches out to the horizon.

Turning my attention, I observe the very rock-like surface upon which I lay, its composition hinting at a bygone era when it served as the foundation for ancient dwellings. As my gaze shifts, a monumental structure comes into view, its grandeur and significance self-evident. It is a temple, its doors flung open, revealing a sacred space adorned with statues and symbols of a goddess.

But that is not all. I cast my eyes eastward, and there, perched atop a towering cliff, is another big colossal statue, its presence awe-inspiring and impossible to ignore. The magnitude of this island's sacredness dawns upon me, its spiritual resonance pulsating through the very fabric of its being.

Rising to my feet, I instinctively begin to take stock of myself, my hands running over the fabric of my dress, searching for any semblance of familiarity. Desperation rises within me as I realize that my pockets yield no phone, no tangible connection to the outside world. I am adrift, stranded on this mystical island, my only companions the enigmatic statues that silently watch over me.

A surge of panic courses through my veins, my heart pounding in my chest like a captive beast desperately seeking escape. Murmurs and approaching footsteps infiltrate the air, sending my senses into a frenzy as I frantically search for a place to conceal myself. Fear takes hold, gripping me tightly, as my mind races to formulate a plan, to find refuge from the impending unknown.

With a trembling anticipation, I turn my gaze, and there, emerging from the shadows, are three ethereal figures, their presence commanding and ancient. Clad in garments that harken back to a time long past, adorned with the sacred mark of the goddess upon their foreheads, they advance towards me with an otherworldly grace.

An involuntary shudder runs through me, an instinctual response to their approach. My entire being quivers with a mixture of awe and trepidation, my muscles quaking beneath the weight of their divine presence. Their mere proximity sends waves of unease rippling through my fragile frame.

The woman at the center, her voice laced with an eerie authority, stands in close proximity to me, her gaze penetrating my very soul. “Laila Ariti,” she utters, her words hanging in the air like an incantation. “You have been brought here to undergo an intense purification of your mind, body, and soul. It is within this sacred island, where the goddess was first revered, that you shall find redemption.”

Speech eludes me in the face of such a profound revelation. I stand there, mute and paralyzed, my voice held captive by the weight of their words. The magnitude of my circumstances renders me unable to form even the simplest of responses.

This island, the birthplace of the goddess’s worship, is revealed to me as a sanctuary of spiritual transformation, a place where the divine and the mortal intermingle. It is here that the goddess exerts her dominion, her presence resonating with a fervor unmatched anywhere else on earth. And now, I am but a pawn in her celestial game.

The woman with the chilling timbre continues, her words piercing the very core of my being. “You shall be confined within the temple’s sacred walls, isolated and left to commune with the divine until you shed the stains of your transgressions. Prayer shall be your only solace as you strive to reclaim your holiness.”

Desperate to steady my trembling limbs, I wrap my arms around myself, seeking solace and strength in a feeble attempt to quell the storm brewing within. Yet, the quivering persists, an outward manifestation of the storm raging beneath the surface of my skin.

A sudden inquiry pierces the air, freezing me in place. “But this can only be accomplished if you have remained steadfast in your vow,” the woman intones, her voice laced with a menacing edge. Dread clenches my heart as I realize the gravity of her question.

“Laila Ariti, are you still a virgin?”

I look at them, all three of them, and they have this serious murderous expression on their faces. And immediately, I know if I say the truth, if I say that I am no longer a virgin, they will kill me.

Their expressions, once commanding, now transform into masks of primal fury. The weight of their gaze presses upon me like a vice, squeezing the truth from my lips. I know, with every fiber of my being, that to confess my transgressions would be to seal my own fate, to invite the wrath of these goddesses-turned-judges upon my mortal soul.

The air thickens with a palpable chill, the temperature dropping with each passing second. My mind races, desperately seeking a lifeline, an escape from this inescapable truth. And so, I resort to falsehood, to a lie that may be my only salvation. “Yes,” I stammer, my voice barely more than a whisper. “Yes, I am still a virgin. I have not forsaken my vows.”

The woman in the center regards me with suspicion, her gaze piercing through my fragile facade. “Then tell me,” she demands, her voice sharp and unforgiving. “What sin did you commit that led you to the brink of drowning?”

I avert my gaze, the weight of my deception crushing my spirit. Words form in my mind, a desperate attempt to appease their judgment. “I... I harbored impure thoughts about a man,” I confess, my voice quivering with shame. Their unwavering expressions betray no hint of leniency, their judgment passing silently between them.

“That means that one of the first cleansings you require is that of the mind,” declares the woman on the right, her words carrying the weight of divine authority. The others nod in solemn agreement, their visages unyielding in their determination.

The Secrets Of Grey StreetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora