Canada x Male!Reader: You're Never Forgotten

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Matthew looked down to the ground with a soft frown on his delicate face. Today was a special day for the Canadian. But, he knew that no one would realize that, not even his own brother. He wanted to spend this day with (M/n), the only person who would always see him. Right now, Matthew was in his room, sitting on the edge of his bed.

He was waiting for a call from (M/n). Yet, no luck at all. "I guess I should just go to sleep and forget another special day.." He mumbled. As he was about to get under the covers the phone rang. He gasped slightly and quickly grabbed his phone and answered it without checking the number. "Hey bro! I'm driving to your house! Quickly get dressed and come outside~" His brother's voice rang through the phone.

Matthew huffed and gave a small 'Okay' and hung up. He took a quick shower and blow dried his hair.He went out of the attached bathrom to his bedroom. "Hm- maybe I should wear the clothes (M/n) got me, right Kuma?" He asked the little polar bear. Kuma tilted his head. "Who're you?" "I'll- let that one slide this time.." Matthew chuckled. He went to his dresser and pulled out a shirt with the Canadian flag on it and denim jeans ((A/N: Like in the picture :3)).

He got dressed quickly and put on his red converses and grabbed Kuma, running downstairs. He went outside and saw Alfred. "AHAHAHAHA HEY DUDE! COME ON~!" Alfred yelled while waving rapidly. Matthew sighed in embarrassment and got into the car.

-Timeskip to Alfred's House-

Alfred dragged Matthew into his house. He quickly turned on the lights. "SURPRISE~!" Everybody popped out from their hiding spots. Matthew stared at everyone in awe. (M/n) pushed through the crowd of people and smiled brightly. "Happy birthday Pancake lover~" He chuckled and hugged Matthew. Matthew blushed brightly and hugged back.

"I-I thought you guys had forgotten-" He teared up and started crying. Everyone surrounded him and joined in on the hug. Matthew had a smile, a true one, on his face. "We can't forget someone who is special to us~" (M/n) rubbed his back and wiped his tears away. "Yeah bro! A HERO NEVER FORGETS HIS OWN BROTHER!!!" Alfred fist bumped the air.

Matthew giggled and looked up at (M/n). (M/n) smiled softly and leaned down slightly to kiss Matthew. Matthew squeaked and his eyes widened in surprise, too shocked to react. He pulled away and chuckled. Matthew pouted and grabbed (M/n)'s collar and smashed his lips onto his. (M/n) didn't hesitate to kiss back as he wrapped his arms around Matthew's waist.

"Aw~ zhe little Canadian is all grown up!!" Francis smiled and took at picture of them kissing. "Into zhe album~" He smirked widely.

"Bloody Frog."

"Black Sheep of Europe!"

It seems that Matthew was never forgotten.


A/N: I'm sorry if its short ;-;...

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