Romano x Male!Reader: Sunburns

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"Oi! Bastard!" A familiar grumpy voice called out from the other side of your apartment door. You shot up at the sound in surprise. "It's open.." Knowing who it was already, you didn't bother getting up from the couch. People described you as a rather lazy, yet playful type of person.

The creak from the door signaled that Lovino heard you. An angered look was glued onto his face. Of course he's usually angry, but something about this one made you concerned. "Hey Lovino.." You managed to say. He huffed and slammed the door shut, walking over to you.

"Move it ragazzo!" He grumbled making your feet quickly scurry off the right side of the couch. "You seem...different." Trying your best to stiffle a laugh. He sat down once your feet moved. "What makes-a you say that-a?" He asked, showing off his oblivious state of the problem.

A smirk formed your soft lips at you examined his body. He was wearing a stripe blue and dark blue tank top, beige shorts and black foot flops. Your gaze went back up to his face. He was blushing like a madman after watching you check him out.

His curl was getting rather...twitchy. "I see that you've been hanging out with the sun, lately.." You finally spoke out, breaking the awkward silence. " did you-a know, ragazzo?" You tried stiffling another giggle, but couldn't help it.

After a few attempts to stop the growing laughter that escaped your throat, you calmed down. A tear streaked down from your eye and eventually was wiped away. "What is-a so damn funny, idiota ragazzo?!" He exclaimed.

Apparently, he was more oblivious than you thought. Another huff escaped his lips and he crossed his arms while looking away. "Awww, Lovi don't be like that!" You whined. He grumbled on about something that you couldn't hear.

A pout found its way to your face. " like that." You decided to test something out. You moved your hand up to his shoulder and suddenly, to him, you smacked it hard. A loud yelp erupted from his throat, then turned into a hiss of pain.

He grabbed his shoulder with his right hand and looked at you. Tears had formed in the corners of his amber, green like eyes. "Why did-a you do that-a?! Dammit I-a should get you-a back, ragazzo!!" He yelled. Another laugh was heard from you. "Oh boy!!! That was priceless! I can't believe you haven't noticed yet!!" Small squeals and loud laughs rung through the silent air.

A dumbfounded expression was revealed on Lovino's face. What did you mean by that? Surely he hasn't done anything to embarrass himself in front of you, yet? "Bastard! You-a better tell me what's-a going on!" He shouted, attempting to make you stop laughing.

Once you calmed down again, you put on the most professional innocent look you could muster. Lovino's eyebrows knitted together. "That's-a not going to-a work..." He stated. "Hmph...fine. Apparently, you haven't noticed that you have a deep sunburn.." You bluntly said as you gestured to his face and then to his arms.

Everything was sunburnt, except his swim trunk area. You could feel eyes staring into your soul. He was so clueless. You could bet Feliciano would even notice a sunburn when he got one. "I-a have a sunburn..?" He mumbled to himself in a questioned way. You leaned your head on your palm, amused at his reaction.

You've had a long time crush on the angry Italian. It was practically love at first sight. But, you knew it was a one-sided crush. You only see him flirt with girls. The one person who knew about your crush was Feliciano. Knowing how you can throw the most hurtful and horrified pranks on people, he had to remind himself over and over to keep it a secret.

The Italians' eyes widened at the situation. "Oh crapola!!" He yelled, his voice chipping a little. You giggled again at how cute he looked and sounded. "Damned sun!" He mumbled which turned to rambling curses in Italian. You poked his arm harshly.

A loud hiss came from him again. He glared at you darkly. "Stop-a it (M/n)." He ordered. You shrugged it off and kept doing it, earning loud yelps and hissing. He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you down. Much to his surprise, you held a tight grip on his arms and brought him with you.

The both of you fell off the couch and landed in an awkward position. You were on top of him, legs straddling his hips. His hands settled themselves on your thighs somehow. Even though his face was sunburnt, you could see him blushing deeply. Not by the position you two were in though.

But, by the force holding his curl down. He just stared at you with strong emotions surrounding his intoxicating eyes. You didn't notice this though. A smirk tugged at your lips. "Looks like someone is rather hot..~ And it's not from the sunburn..~" You snickered. That was a pick up line that Gilbert taught you.

Lovino kept his gaze on you. That was the worst pick up line you ever done. A smirk had also found its way to his lips. This made you squeak silently, thinking you've went too far. Lovino sat up, just enough for his hot breath to hit your neck. A dark chuckle erupted from the Italians' throat. "Oh trust me's gonna get-a very heated..~" He cooed into your ear.

You breathed out slightly as you felt blood rising your (s/t) cheeks. A soft moan escaped your lips, feeling his tongue glide along the shell of your ear. "I-a hope you're prepared~" He chuckled again.

'Oh boy...this is going to get very heated-' You thought.


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