Chapter 21 - "God, I hate that boy."

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Zeus stood with all his glory as he held his famous trident beside the throne. His hair was sleeked back and tied in a bun, a look I had never seen before. His eyes seemed sad, telling me exactly why he was here.

He was going to give the trident to Hades.

But why so soon?

"Makaria?!" Hades called in confusion. I barely visited this room before.

"Hades. Zeus." I nodded my head in acknowledgment.

"What are you doing here?" This time, Zeus asked.

"I should be asking you this question." I replied, wanting to divert the subject from myself.

Shamefully, I was already sweating from nervousness. I wanted everything to work out and leave hell as soon as possible.

It was only the three of us in this huge room. No guards or creatures stayed inside.

"Zeus is here to deliver the trident." Hades replied with a smirk.

"Isn't it too early for that? I haven't broken the curse, yet." I replied, wiping the smirk off his face.

Hades was about to say something, but Zeus cut him off. "She's right. We still have a long way to go, so why do you want it now?"

"My daughter left her duties here doing your work, and you're asking why do I need it right now?"

"Hades, I took care of everything. Don't worry." I replied, making him more angry.

Why am I protecting the trident?

Because I knew what would happen if it was in Hades' hands.

A disaster.

"Fine, whatever. You better finish your task fast." Hades said, pointing his index finger at me.

This was one of the only places Hades wears his true form as if he doesn't like it, or maybe he doesn't like how people looked at him.

"Any updates on the said task, Makaria?" Zeus asked firmly.

I almost roll my eyes. "We're close." Was the only thing I said.

I didn't trust Hades at that moment and I didn't want to say anything wrong.

"Good. I will be sending someone every week for any updates."

"And who is that someone?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes. "Just so I don't kill them." I added.

"Eros, son of Aphrodite."

"God, I hate that boy." Hades exclaimed.

Mutual feeling, Hades.

I wanted to buy more time for Ares, but I didn't know what to say with Zeus being here.

I couldn't open the subject of my mother in front of him. As much as I despise Hades now, I would never embarrass him.

"Why did you come here, anyways?" Hades asked.

I just went with it.

While the alarm clocks and red flags told me to stop in my head, I didn't listen and just went with it.

"I wanted to talk about my mother."

"Wow, she was still your "mother" but I was never your father." He commented.

"It's not time to get jealous, Hades." I replied with no emotions.

I didn't care what he felt because he has no feelings.

"Be careful what you say to me, Makaria."

"What are you going to do? Torture me? Kill me? Or better yet, burry me alive for thousands of years?" I asked with a sinister smile.

I could see the corners of Zeus' lip lift a bit, but he stopped himself from smiling.

"Good ideas, yes."

"Good then. You won't know what I learned about my mother." I shrugged, turning around to leave before he immediately stopped me.

"What is it?"

Poor thing, he still waited for her.

I turned around to face him again and smirked.

"I saw her."

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