Therapy with Ink

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A.n: I am not a therapist


After dragging Ink into their house, Y/n forces him to sit on the couch, before sitting on the couch opposite of him, crossing their arms.

Y/n: really didn't know?

Ink, shaking his head: No! A-all he said was that he had everything under control and that everything was going according to plan...

Y/n: and what exactly is this 'plan'?

Ink, looking eternal game. Using the overwrite button, he would have create a timeline, change it, and destroy it on a whim to create the perfect story...M-maybe, I should I have questioned him more...

Y/n, sighing: and that's in the past Ink. You can't change that, but know what you can do?

Ink, looking up:...what?

Y/n: you can change the future. Make up for your past actions by making the future that you want...people are going to hate you for allowing the events that happened in XTale, happen....but they'll hate you less if you fight against it.

Ink nods slowly, looking down, before looking back up at Y/n.

Ink:..d-do you hate me?

Y/n: honestly? I dislike you alot right now, but not hate. I'm just trying to understand why you did it, ya know?

Ink nod, looking away, before sighing hiding his mouth in his scarf. Y/n just waits patiently, their legs crossed and their paws resting on their legs. Ink sighs and looks at them after a few minutes.

Ink:...I wanted fun. I wanted to create a world where I could have fun, but couldn't because of the truce. Without me protecting the au's and multiverse, it felt like I had no purpose and that people would forget me, throwing me away like i'm the creation they hated, looking at me with it would have been a way to make sure that people remember me, even if they hate me...

Y/n: so, you have a fear of abandonment and being forgotten?

Ink, startled: I- What?

Y/n repeats themself and Ink thinks about it, before slowly nodding.

Ink: Y-yeah, I guess I do....

Y/n: and how does that make you feel? Any thoughts going through your mind?

Ink, hesitating: I-...well....I guess it makes sense? I'm not too entirely sure what to think or feel...I guess I'm abit relieved?

Y/n: Oh? Do you want to tell me why? It's alright if you do not.

Ink, shaking his head: I don't want to talk about it...

Y/n, nodding: yeah, fair enough. Is there anything you want to talk about?

Ink, abit sarcastic: what is this, therapy?

Y/n, serious: yes.

Ink: I- why?

Y/n: because you need help and the people that have been around you the most, including myself, can tell there is something wrong with you. Not in a bad way, I think, but in more of a 'something is bugging me yet I can't talk' kinda way, ya know?

Ink blinks, his eyelights changing shape and color, until landing on exclamation marks.

Ink: noticed?

Y/n: be honest, Dream did mention that something seemed to be bugging you, so he asked me to talk to you, but I had been busy, so I couldn't...but I have time now, so we can talk if you want to talk. If you do not, that is fine.

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