And in the morning

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I woke up to the smell of bacon wafting through my door which was unusual because Mom never does a cooked breakfast which made me think that something was up, especially as she had let me sleep in until eleven. So i made my way downstairs and saw Mom sitting on the sofa with two bacon sandwiches, one for me and one for herself plus glasses of orange juice and i took a seat next to her. 'whats with all this?' I asked as i placed the plate on my lap. 'Well its a catch up breakfast, i want you to spill the beans about this John boy' Mom said as she looked me in the eye and i looked at the floor thinking about what i could say to make her think good of him. I would have normally just changed the topic but i wanted to tell her about him and how much i liked him. ' firstly, he lives on Menlove Avenue'
'Ohhh fancy' Mom added.
'With his Aunt Mimi and he goes to my school. He is a teddy boy but he's sweet and funny, quick witted, handsome and he takes care of me.' I practically said it all in one breath and then blushed like crazy but i knew the next question. 'Why does he live with his aunt?' Mom quizzed and i explained how his Father left and his Mother had a new family, almost word for word from Johns explanation. Then came the inevitable talk.
'Did you kiss?'
'Is he safe?'
'Use protection for sex otherwise you'll be pregnant'
'Don't let him touch you if you don't want him to'
It was so strange and it was like time stopped, i knew she had to say everything she did but she knows that i would be safe, i'm not going to do what she did and have a baby at my age.
'Mom please stop! I'm not going to be you and do what you did so stop saying all that stuff!' I suddenly began to yell at her and she looked shocked but i knew her temper would combat mine.
'I have to make sure that you are sensible and if thats what i get in return you can sod off to you'r room you little bitch!' Mom yelled right back in my face. I had a sudden rush of tears in my eyes but continued to yell 'Sorry but its true, you are a hypocrite saying all that when you were knocked up at 16' - all that i was saying is true but i'm so different from my Mom and she doesn't always see that which is so frustrating.
'Shut up now Jade otherwise there will be major consequences' Mom said and walked up to me sternly, and i felt scared and vulnerable but i pushed it too far, i knew it was a touchy subject. 'we're not all like you Mom. I have self respect and i'm not a hooker or a slut like you so shut the f-' i stopped my self there and Mom slapped me across the face, deservedly i guess but it stung like mad and i grabbed my coat and ran with tears in my eyes to Paul's house.

As i knocked on the door i was preying that Paul would answer it but instead his Dad came to the door and let me go up to see Paul. My face was red, tears were in my eyes and my hair was just shoved up in a bun when i opened his bedroom door. He saw me and immediately got up and gave me a huge cuddle then asked 'whats the matter Jade? Was it John? I'll kill him if it was! The Bastard!'
'No no it was my Mom' i managed to say through the tears and he held me closer and sat me down on the bed. How could i explain it to him and make him understand how my Mom and I's relationship works but i managed to and he did kind of get it and let me stay at his all day.

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