I want you

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There is a bus stop just down the road from my house where both Paul and i catch the bus from and needless to say he was late nearly everyday.
I had been waiting for ten minutes before the bus came and as i was getting on i saw Paul sprinting around the corner and practically throwing himself through the doors as they were closing and he took a seat next to me.
'Alright there Paul?' I asked and we both laughed. His hair was all ruffled out of his style and his uniform was a bit screwif and he was trying to catch his breath but it was cute.
'Yeah, i overslept' he replied and gave me a kiss on the cheek 'You look lovely today Jade, as always'. He's such a flirt when he wants to be and i like it but i have to choose between him and John, it's a hard decision. 'Thanks Paul! Hey, whats in that case?' I asked leaning down to take a look. 'oh, thats my guitar, i play in a band with John and a few mates.'
'Thats so cool! Can you show it to me please?' I asked generally interested. He agreed and opened the case to reveal a beautiful archtop guitar, he then took it out and played a song he called 'i lost my little girl' which was fantastic. When he had finished everyone clapped as did i and i gave him a big hug, he was so talented and i loved him so much i wanted him to be mine. 'Wow Paul you are amazing and that song was fantastic! You're going to be famous one day i'm almost sure of it.' I had to shout a bit because everyone was pushing to get off the bus so Paul was a bit behind me then he waved and walked to class as i spotted John with a group of friends over by the wall and he beckoned me over. I was a bit nervous at first because they were all tall and hard looking teddy boys but John would make sure i was safe. I walked over to the sound of the boys whistling and stuff and then John smiled and held me by the hips in front of him so i was facing the boys. 'Nice bird you got there John, pretty and shy' one of them said, followed by another 'bet shes a good fuck' and another who came up and looked closer 'nice face and good arse, bet shes a virgin though.' 'John will sort that out!' another one shouted and i blushed a bit . Then the school bell rang and it was a relief because i felt a bit intimidated by all the boys commenting and looking at me and i tried to walk away but John held me by the hips still. 'Where you going?' He asked and turned me around to face him. 'to class, the bell just went' i pointed over to the crowd of people going through the school doors and he turned and looked. 'Jade come on, you'r with us now, loosen up.' John said and i began to panic a bit as he took my hand and led me around the corner while his friends shouted 'Johnny's getting some fish and finger pie' and 'do her good Johnny boy' and 'Johns getting a bit of smut' which made me a bit scared because John obviously wasn't the same person around his friends as he was the other night. 'John!' I shouted 'What are we doing? I don't want to get into trouble!' I was feeling a bit better now it was just John and i and no rowdy friends of his, i was a bit more relaxed but still nervous. 'calm down honey, were just skipping first class to spend some time together.' He replied taking my hand to reassure me and walking me to a fence behind the bushes with a gap in so that we could squeeze through and get out of school. I suddenly felt free and rebellious, obviously there was a bit of worry that my mom would find out but i was with John and i now felt completely comfortable and didn't care anymore. John noticed my smile and squeezed my hand a bit then took me around the corner and into Sefton Park where i had been a few days earlier with Paul. 'John i love it here!' I exclaimed and gave him a huge hug and then we sat down on the grass and chatted for a while and John pulled out a few snacks from his bag, sandwiches, crisps and chocolate and we began to eat them. 'So Jade, do you like it?' He asked. 'Of course i do John. Its so sweet of you!' I replied looking into his big brown eyes and then back at the food. 'Even though we snook out of school?' He asked. 'yeah, i liked that rebellious feeling Lennon' i said then questioning why i called him Lennon not just John. 'ah Lennon is it now?' He said as we both laughed and then stopped and after a few minutes of silence John looked me in the eye, held my chin up and kissed me passionately, it was fantastic, better than with Paul. John was a bit more rough than Paul was and more passionate. We fell on top of each other and kissed for ages and it was bliss, pure bliss. 'John' i managed to whisper 'i love you'. That was the first time i have said that to anyone who wasn't family but it felt so right and he said it back 'Jade i love you too' he said as he pulled his lips away and just lay next to me holding my hand. 'Jade?' He said. 'yes John?' I said turning my head to look at him. 'Do you want to make love?' He said it slowly and i had a lump in my throat, i really wanted to say yes but part of me felt i wasn't ready as i had only been with John a few days. 'I would love to John but i'm a virgin and i just don't know...' I said shyly not wanting to make eye contact with him. I actually really wanted to i guess i was just scared, scared of the whole thing, not just getting pregnant but being so exposed and all that stuff. 'i'll be gentle Jade, of course i will be, it wont hurt too much i promise.' He looked at me and i gave him a cheeky smile and said 'actually, i would love to do it with you Lennon.'
He took my hand a led me over to his friends flat nearby the park, he had a key and let me and himself in. I felt a bit lost and John noticed and said 'don't worry Jade, i was fifteen when i first had sex and it didn't hurt at all, but if you don't want to then we can just chill here for a bit.' He was so kind to say that but i did want to, it was just fear of the unknown. 'John i want to, i've never felt like this before, i really love you.' I spoke quietly as he took off his jacket and moved us both against the wall. 'I love you too Jade' he spoke as we pressed our lips together. I felt his hand go into my skirt and he rubbed hard, my knees went weak and he held me up and took off my tie. I felt him unbuttoning my shirt, it felt amazing, he took it off and threw it on the floor as i did the same to his, he then undid my bra and took it off and gently held my breasts as he kissed down my neck, it felt wonderful. John picked me up and put me down on the bed then he made love to me. 'John it hurts' i moaned looking up at him trying to hold back a tear from the pinching pain that I felt. He held me close and kissed me gently 'do you want me to stop?' He offered but I didn't want him too, 'no, carry on John. I love you' I whispered and closed my eyes while he continued to make love to me.I felt like i have never felt before, it was fantastic but i couldn't help thinking what if i'm not pleasing John like he pleases me. When we stopped we got under the covers and cuddled closely occasionally sharing a kiss or staring deeply into each other's eyes. Our bodies were entwined but I still ached a bit and John could tell, 'Jade, are you okay? Does it still hurt?' He asked softly, 'yeah a bit' I replied as he moved the blanket slightly and rested his hand on my inner thigh, 'it won't be so bad next time, you know, no pain, no blood or anything' he said and held me closer to him, gently moving my leg to wrap around him and I moaned a bit due to the ache. It was nearly 3 o'clock so school would be finished soon but I just wanted to stay here lying with John who I felt I was in love with. As we were lying there I looked up at Johns face, the boy who I had just had sex with for the first time ever and smiled to myself, in that moment I couldn't be happier.

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