Its got to get better

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It was after ten when John dropped me off at home but Mom was okay with it because i had popped home to tell her that i would be back a bit late.
I lay on my bed dreaming of the wonderful day i'd spent with John and going over the conversation i had with Mimi, i really hope she liked me but i probably should have made more of an effort to make conversation as my mother would say, but John seemed alright about it. Then I moved onto dreaming about our evening which we spent lying under the stars in deep conversation, hand in hand, it was wonderful and I soon drifted off to sleep thinking about him.
The next morning-
The light from the window flooded into my room when the sun came up which awoke me gently. 'Morning Jade' Mom said as she pushed open the curtains a bit more as she did every morning without fail. I rubbed my eyes then a sudden rush of liquid came up into my mouth so I ran to the bathroom and threw it up, then again and again. Mom ran in behind me as I threw myself on to the floor in a heap, 'It's okay sweetie' she rubbed my back and helped me get back to bed where I lay for a while until I felt like I could get up. Carefully I sat up on the edge of the bed but I still felt a bit queasy, even so I carried on getting up and made my way to the bath which Mom had run for me specially. As I emerged myself into the water I still couldn't help noticing that I had put a bit of weight on, just a little bit, probably not enough for anyone to notice and hopefully John wouldn't notice. As I lay there in the bubbles I heard a knock on the door and I guessed it would probably be John to pick me up so I listened carefully to see what Mom would say to him. His voice was quite loud so I could hear him well, 'Hi, is Jade there?' He asked my Mom to which she replied, 'actually she's not been very well this morning but I'll tell her you called by' which I guess was the only thing she could say because right now I didn't feel like going anywhere. 'Oh, is she okay?' John questioned sounding concerned, 'it's most likely just a bug, I'm sure she will be fine' Mom said in a stern but reassuring way, 'send her my love then' John said as the door creaked closed.
'Was that John?' I shouted down the stairs loud enough for Mom to hear me, 'Yes Honey, he sends his love' She replied hesitantly, obviously trying to show her distaste for him.
Before I knew it I had spent nearly an hour in the bath tub daydreaming so my Mom shouted up to check on me, 'Jade, are you okay? You've been in there for ages. You haven't been sick again have you?' Which made me snap back into reality out of my daydreaming, 'Yes I'm okay and I'm getting out now' I said loudly so she could hear from downstairs and then I got out, dried myself and slipped into a casual dress and brushed my hair and teeth before putting on some foundation and mascara before going downstairs. I felt so much better after freshening up, it must have just been a morning thing. Mom was doing the washing up when I arrived downstairs, 'Hi honey, you look much better!' She said as she hugged me and I hugged her back, 'yeah I'm feeling fine now strangely enough' I replied as i took a sip of water and a bite of toast that my Mom had prepared for me, 'oh that's strange' Mom said looking me in the eye, 'bugs usually last a day or two'. She looked deeper into my eyes then I asked 'well that happens sometimes, doesn't it?' trying to reassure my self, 'Jade, there's not a chance that this could be morning sickness is there?' Mom said coming closer to me. Suddenly it dawned on me, I had put on some weight, I was throwing up and I was late for my period, it must be, I must be pregnant. I didn't let on that I thought I was though, 'what do you mean?' I said in a confused manner hoping that Mom wouldn't be angry, 'Jade, you best go to the doctors, I'll make an appointment' she said and remained perfectly calm as she dialled the number to book an appointment for today at twelve, I was only 15 minutes away from knowing if I actually was pregnant which would change my life forever.
Mom and I walked silently to the doctors, both obviously in shock and to be honest I just wanted to lie in bed and forget about it all. The silence continued in the waiting room until I got called in.
The doctors room was chilly but he seemed friendly, 'Jade Terry, what can I help you with?' He asked and shook my hand firmly, 'Well, my Mom thinks I'm... Urm.... Pregnant' I couldn't believe those words came out of my mouth and frankly I couldn't believe I was in this situation. He looked at me a bit sympathetically then asked, 'so Jade, what has made you think this?' which made me a bit hesitant to believe it was happening, 'I guess my Moms just over reacting and stuff but overall I have put on weight, missed my period and I was throwing up this morning' I said as I felt a tear come into my eye and the doctor scribbled down some notes then he put on his glasses and said 'have you had intercourse within the past two months' and at that I blushed and let the tear roll down my face, all I managed to do was nod. The doctor remained calm as he had probably dealt with this many times before so all he said was 'okay, I'll do some tests and then we'll see what the outcome is' and so he did. Once i'd had some tests done the doctor walked out of the room then returned about 10 minutes later. He sat down slowly adjusted his glasses and looked me right in the eye, 'Jade, the results show that you are pregnant' at that moment the time froze and I went completely stiff with both shock and fear but I managed to force some words out 'No,no,no, I'm 16 years old, I can't be pregnant!' I shouted which shocked the doctor a bit. He then offered to call my Mom in but I disagreed and let him discuss all the options, he was actually reassuring in the way he spoke, 'so Jade, the options are now very serious. Do you want to keep the child, maybe have it adopted if you like, or you can terminate it. I just have to warn you that right now you are not in a state to make this decision so I recommend going home and talking to the child's father in order to make the most sensible decision that you can' , I nodded and he handed me a pregnancy pack with all the information i needed at this stage, which in truth I was too scared to even look at in that moment. The stiffness of my legs slowed down my walking but I did eventually arrive in the waiting room to find my Mom sitting there anxiously and as soon as she saw me with the pack in my hand she knew and greeted me with a huge hug as I fell into her arms, 'Jade honey, it's going to be alright' she spoke softly and stroked my hair as I cried uncontrollably into her shoulder, 'Mom, I'm pregnant' I blubbered 'and it's just not right, how can it be true?' I continued as we manoeuvred outside into the street. Mom gently pulled away to look at me with her tearful eyes and managed to smile at me as well as saying 'lets get you home so we can work it all out' which made me feel better knowing that we could work it all out, it wasn't the end of the world.

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