The other boy

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1 week later
'Mom' i shouted upstairs 'Can i go out for tea with Paul later please?' Then i heard her come down stairs with some towels for the wash. 'Yes of course. Where are you going?' She asked as i followed her into the kitchen, 'oh just some place he knows in town, does nice food apparently and can i stay over at his too?' I cautiously asked instantly knowing what she was going to say but i was surprised when she said 'yes, but no funny business.' I smiled and hugged her then went upstairs to pack a night bag and get ready for later.
I chose a lovely white dress that came just above my knee, put some foundation, blush and mascara on and combed my hair, then i packed some pyjamas and stuff into my backpack. As i was zipping up my bag there was a knock at the door and i knew it was Paul. 'I'll get it' Mom yelled as she unlocked and opened it to reveal Paul standing there. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs to see him and Mom had already let him in. 'Hi Jade, you look wonderful!' He said as he came over and took my hand and we walked to the front door, 'thank you Paul, you look handsome too' i replied and waved to my Mother. 'Have a good time, be careful and see you tomorrow' She said as we began to walk down the path to Paul's house to drop my bag off and then we got the bus into town. The bus was almost empty except for a few people our age sitting at the back, 'Hi Paul' i heard a male voice say from behind us and turned to see a boy, a couple of years younger than us with a guitar sitting there, 'Hi Georgie!' Paul said with a smile 'whats brought you on the bus?'. George looked a bit confused and replied 'band practice at Johns, your meant to be there too' he giggled and then smiled at me and i smiled back. 'shit!' Paul exclaimed, then George cut in 'Don't worry i'll tell John you are ill or something' which made Paul seem a bit more relaxed, 'i completely forgot! That would be great George, thanks', the bus came to a stop and George got up 'bye Paul and urmm' he said and i cut in 'Jade' then he smiled and continued 'and Jade, i'm sure you'll have fun.' and he hopped of the bus and walked down Menlove Avenue to Johns house with his guitar in his hand. I watched him knock on the door and caught a glimpse of John opening it as Paul sat next to me trying his hardest for John not to spot him until the house was out if sight. 'So thats George then?' I asked as i took hold of Paul's hand, 'Yeah, he's quiet but amazing at guitar, the best guitarist in the group' Paul told me as the bus stopped again and some more people got off, 'He seems nice. I bet your band is amazing!' I said as i smiled at him and he replied 'were alright but John controls it all, you know i love him but sometimes i could kill him', i knew exactly how he felt. Our stop was approaching as Paul continued to tell me about his band and he seemed really enthusiastic about it and then we got off. Paul held my hand and lead me around the corner to a fancy little Italian restaurant that looked lovely, it had fairly lights up in the window, italian music playing and the food smelt gorgeous, not to mention it was probably really expensive. 'Oh Paul!' I exclaimed as i gave him a huge hug 'it looks beautiful!' And he hugged me really tight back and kissed me softly on my lips, 'anything for you Jade, i love you' he whispered and brought me in for a longer kiss which made me get butterflies in my stomach.
We both studied the menu and i ordered spaghetti bolognese and he ordered margarita pizza which was delicious when it came, definitely not the kind of food that Paul and i would eat ordinarily. As we were eating we got emerged into a deep conversation about family and relationships and i told him things that i have never told anyone before, i just felt able to tell him anything and he got it and told me stuff as well. I told him about how my Mom had me when she was sixteen so she was kicked out onto the streets and how i've never really had a boyfriend before and about what happened with John openly and Paul supported me both as a lover and a friend. When we had finished the meal Paul paid and we caught the bus back home, holding hands the whole way and sharing moments where we would come into the same gaze and laugh together until the bus stopped and we walked back into Paul's house. 'Hi Paulie. Did you have a good time' Paul's Dad said as we walked in and smiled warmly at us, 'Yes thanks Dad. This is Jade my beautiful girlfriend' Paul replied and i blushed a bit as i always do with complements, 'Hello Jade, nice to meet you. You seem to make Paulie very happy and i've heard a lot about you' Paul's Dad said as Paul and i walked through to the bottom of the stairs, 'nice to meet you too Mr McCartney' i smiled sweetly and went up to Paul's bedroom. 'Thats my Dad Jim, he seems to like you so its all good' Paul said and i started to rummage through my bag to get my pyjamas out and noticed that it was already nearly eleven, 'Look at the time Paul, i cant believe we've been out so long' i said as i pulled out my pyjamas and Paul got his out and we put them on while facing outwards either side of the bed. We climbed in under the blankets as we cuddled each lovingly. 'Paul' i whispered,
'Yes baby' he whispered back
'I really enjoyed being with you this evening' i spoke softly, rolled over and kissed him passionately, his hands rested on my face as i opened my mouth and allowed his tongue in while i stroked my hand through his thick brown hair and moaned slightly. He then pulled away gently and whispered into my ear 'i'm in love with you.' Then his lips quickly rejoined mine and we kissed some more, it was heaven and i felt so free and comfortable with him. After about ten minutes we stopped and had to catch our breath, as we did so Paul said cautiously 'you are the best kisser i've experienced' he smiled and winked 'do you want to make love?' I knew he would ask because it seemed like the right time but i was afraid of replicating what happened with John, although i really did want to do it with Paul right now. I looked him in the eye and smiled 'oh Paul, of course i do, but just tell me you will stay with me and not leave me. I want you Paul, i want you so fucking much' he took my hand and squeezed it and said 'babe i wont leave you, i'm not like John, i will stay with you forever if you let me and...' i cut him off as i kissed him and began to undo his buttons on his shirt as he pulled my nightie off, then he began to kiss down my neck and found a spot that made me moan pleasurably and he kept doing it until i pulled down his pyjama bottoms and we both lay there naked side by side for a few seconds. 'Do it Paul.' I encouraged and he soon got on top of me and proved his love which was bliss but as we were doing so the door suddenly opened, we didn't notice at first so we carried on but then a voice said 'Paul McCartney!' and we both quickly dived under the blankets and saw it was his Dad. 'Paul, i agreed to let Jade stay if you promised not to do this here' His Dad said as Paul held my hand under the covers and squeezed it, 'sorry Dad, i just felt right' Paul said with an 'i'm sorry' kind of smile which instantly changed the mood, 'Paul i get it Son, just be safe' he said as he closed the door behind us and Paul and i looked at each other and burst out laughing then he leant in and kissed me again, 'its been good Paulie' i whispered as i ran my fingers through his hair and smiled. 'It certainly has baby' he whispered too and i leaned over to get my nightie but i was a bit sore which Paul noticed, 'You okay Jade? Does it ache?' He asked as i grabbed it and Paul helped me slip it on as he put his pyjamas on too, 'urmm yeah a bit' i said and cuddled into him and we drifted off to sleep together.

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