The Cavern

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The Cavern was a place that i had never actually been before but i had always wanted to go. It was a few flights of stairs down and smoky, full of teenagers drinking, smoking and dancing, the kind of thing i was told to stay away from but i didn't care because i was here with John living a free life. John lead me around to the bar where all his friends were, when they saw us they shouted ' 'eres Lennon and his bird', which made me feel a bit shy again. ' Hi lads, who's on tonight?' John said as he leant on the bar and put his hand on my waist. 'dunno probably some crap, not the standard of your band Johnny' one of the boys said as everyone laughed as did John and myself. 'Want a drink Jade?' John asked as he ordered a beer for himself. 'Urmm yeah, just orange juice please' i said and all of Johns friends burst out laughing again but i ignored them 'okay Jade, coming up' John said and then handed me my drink. I was a bit nervous in front of Johns friends because they were all so hard looking and loud, as was John when he was with them but he always kept me close to him which i liked. After about 10 minuted i saw Paul walk in, he looked amazing in his leather jacket with his hair in a quiff, a lot friendlier looking than Johns friends. He walked over to us and simply said 'hi' with a smile on his face. 'Hi Paul' John said and we both turned to face him, John held me on my hips as we stood facing Paul, 'Paul's in my band Jade, a right baby face' John laughed as he squeezed Paul's cheeks and another bout of laughter was raised from the boys. 'Thanks John' Paul said sarcastically and pretended to smile. 'John, can i see your band one day?' I asked hoping he would say yes and trying to avoid Paul being embarrassed anymore. 'Yeah of course! Come to out practice tomorrow at 6. George, Stu and Pete will be there too' John smiled and then kissed me on the cheek softly. 'Who's George, Stu and Pete?' I quizzed and took a sip of my juice, 'well George is our guitarist, a friend of Paul's, he's younger than us but can play well, Stu is my best friend who plays a bit of bass and Pete's our drummer, he's alright too' John said as the band came onto the stage and we all got up to dance. 'Fancy a dance Miss Jade?' John asked as i took his hands and we danced to a slow song kissing every so often as we stared into each others eyes but i noticed Paul sitting alone at the bar sipping his beer looking down. 'John, Paul's alone' i whispered as we danced, 'He doesn't fit in here honey' John spoke softly and i felt his hands move a bit further down my waist so i pulled away slightly. 'Whats the matter?' John said shocked at my sudden movement, 'n-nothing i just don't feel well thats all. I need to sit down.' I spoke a bit loud and some people stared at me but i didn't care, i wanted to sit with Paul and i did. John came after me and sat by me, i felt so overwhelmed because i was in love with Johns appearance and the way he seduced me but Paul was more my kind of person and we got each other in a way nobody ever has before. I realised it all and i began to cry right then and there much to my embarrassment. 'Hey Jade whats the matter?' Paul asked as he rested his hand on my back and tried to comfort me, much to the discomfort of John. I snuffled a bit and then lifted my head off the bar and looked at Paul, 'I love you' i mouthed so John wouldn't see and Paul smiled sweetly, 'Do you want to go home?' He asked as John leaned over and hugged me emptily. 'Urmm i just need to talk to John first' i muffled through the tears, stood up, took Johns hands and lead him outside. It was cold and dark and a few drunk people were going past but i managed to find a bit of light and quiet so that i could speak to John who looked confused. 'Whats the deal then?' John questioned me and stared into my eyes, 'well John, i just don't really fit in here, i felt uncomfortable around your friends and i just don't like the reality of this kind of thing. It was a great fantasy and you have shown me a good time but i just want to get home and think about things'. When i had said it all John sighed and replied 'its not going to be like this all the time Jade, i'm not going to fuck you and then get pissed here everyday. But if you don't want this lifestyle then we're going to have a problem. To be honest you would be better off with Paul, he'll be more of a good boy, boring too. I love you Jade but its already obvious that you're not ready for me'. I was shocked, he wasn't even going to compromise or anything he just wiped a tear off my face and went back inside while i stood and sobbed in the street.
The Cavern was fuller than when we went out and Paul was still sitting there. 'John' Paul called over to me 'Everything alright? Wheres Jade?'
'Its over with her' I replied feeling a bit tearful but holding it in. 'Where is she now?' Paul asked seemingly concerned for her. 'Outside' i said grabbing my beer and going over to dance. Paul got up and went outside to see her but i didn't really care now she was just another bird that i slept with.

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