Paul save me

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I was sitting on the path sobbing when i heard footsteps and felt someone sit in front of me, i was a bit scared but looked up to see Paul sitting there. I was relieved to see him and flung my arms around him. 'Hey Jade' he said as he cuddled me back 'i think we should go now', i agreed and he helped me up off the ground. 'I cant go home Paul. My Mom doesn't know i'm out' i managed to say as i sobbed a bit more and to my surprise Paul picked me up in his arms and carried me back to his house. 'Mine it is then' He said as he carried me around the corner. I got nervous when we arrived on Forthlin Road but i knew Mom would be in bed by now so she wouldn't see us, Paul unlocked his front door and we went inside and upstairs. 'Paul? Is that you?' I heard a male voice say from behind a bedroom door, 'Yes Dad' Paul said as he set me down in his bed and closed the door. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, i had mascara running down my cheeks, my hair was a mess and i was pale as anything, how did i let this happen?
'Do you want a drink Jade?' Paul asked.
'No thanks, i just want to talk Paul' I said looking down to prevent him from seeing me like this. 'Okay honey, go ahead and tell me' he spoke in a reassuring way and i felt comfortable to talk with him as i always did.
'Paul, i love you, its you, not John, sure he's rebellious and everything but its you that i need, i need you.' I got it all out and he sat close to me and hugged me tight, it was a beautiful moment in silence. 'I love you too Jade.' He said as he kissed me softly. 'And Paul i need to tell you that earlier, when i wasn't in school i went with John to have sex in the flat, i wish i hadn't so much' i got a bit more emotional at that point and Paul seemed a bit surprised but continued to hug me. 'Don't feel guilty baby, John does that to all his girls and then moves on. Its just hit you hard because it was your first time but you'll forget soon enough, trust me.' He looked me deep in my eyes and i turned away because i was a mess and he noticed this, 'Jade i love you even when you have makeup running everywhere' he said, it wasn't intentionally funny but we burst out laughing for ten minutes then i yawned. 'Ready for bed now?' He asked as he got up rummaged through a draw and lent me one of his pyjama tops that was long enough to be a nightie on me. I got up, took my dress off and slipped the top over my head as Paul put his on too then we climbed into bed and under the covers. It was a little awkward at first because i didn't know wether or not to hug him or just stay on my side but he soon said 'come and cuddle then' and i did. He held me close and tight and rested his head gently on mine and we drifted off to sleep.
I woke up gently still in Paul's arms and turned to look at the clock by the bed which read 5:30 which made me realise i should go home because my Mom will get up and six and notice i'm gone. 'Paul' i whispered and he flinched a bit so i whispered again 'Paul' and his eyes slowly opened, 'i've got to go now, but thank you for letting me stay, you saved me. See you at school' I got up and slipped off the T-shirt and put my dress back on. 'Wait' Paul said suddenly 'i'll walk you home honey', i smiled and said 'you don't have to',
'But i will' he answered as he got up and slipped his coat over my shoulders and we walked to my house to find my Mom just coming out of the front door looking worried. She stormed towards me 'Where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick!' She shouted in my face and then noticed Paul, 'Been with him have you? What happened to John? You little slut!' She took me by the wrist and dragged me inside leaving Paul standing on the drive, i looked back at him and he mouthed 'i'll save you' then my Mom slammed the door behind us and i knew i was in for it. 'What the matter with you? The past few days you've skipped school, snook out and been with two boys, its not like you at all Jade!' Mom shouted as she pushed me into the living room and shut the door. 'Mom stop!' I shouted but she continued yelling 'I raised you to be good and not be stupid but you ruined it all! I tried so fucking hard to make you succeed and you just throw it away in a day or so. The boy you liked is trouble, i curse the day you met John Lennon!' She finished and then plumped down on the sofa next to me with her head in her hands and i gently put my hand on her back and spoke softly 'Mom i just wanted to experience a world that i never knew and John showed it to me but i didn't like it and i'm with Paul now'. She lifted her head up slowly and looked at me then whispered 'just please tell me and be open with me. You are my only child and i hardly even know you Jade. You don't tell me about these boys and the parties and school, i want to be your friend too not just your Mom' As she said it all it made me realise it was true, painfully true. 'Okay Mom, i'm really sorry and i will tell you more in future' i said and gave her a huge hug to apologise and she went back to normal again. 'You smell unusual' She said as she looked at me and obviously that lead me onto telling her everything, 'oh yeah its just my perfume mixed with Paul's aftershave' i said proudly and my Mom gave me a strange smile followed by 'aw been close to him then?'. I still felt a bit awkward but wanted to make her feel included in my life and if it meant telling her it all, then i was going to. 'Well, i stayed at his last night and we shared his bed' then i quickly added 'but in an innocent way, we didn't do anything' i looked away a bit but saw Mom smirking like she wanted more information, 'so do you with Paul now? And what happened to John?' She asked catching my gaze. 'Well firstly Paul is my... boyfriend and he's very sweet, you know the one from down the road' i felt proud to say it and then got a bit emotional when telling her about John, 'and i broke up with John last night, i just didn't fit in with him and his friends'. It felt good to tell her. 'So where did you go when you skipped school then' Mom asked and i blushed a bit because i needed to tell her to make me feel okay about it but it was never something we discussed together. I just went for it 'John took me to the park for a picnic which was nice and then' i paused a bit and Mom encouraged me to go on 'and then we went to his friends flat and we had sex there' when i said it my Mom looked shocked and there was silence for a few minutes. 'Jade, thats fine honey, as long as you wanted to and you used protection' Mom said and hugged me, i was surprised she was okay with it and it felt good to be open and honest with her. I then caught a glimpse of the time and i went upstairs and got ready for school then set out to get the bus.
As i walked down my drive i saw Paul walking down the road and he ran over to me and gave me a big hug. 'Hows everything honey?' He asked and gave me a quick kiss in the cheek. 'Oh fine, i told my Mom everything and she was fine with it. I reckon I've got more questions to come later though' i smiled and then sighed as Paul replied 'ah good. I knew it would be alright in the end' and he took my hand in his and we strolled down the path to the bus stop.

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