Act naturally

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I hadn't seen John over the weekend because my Mom made me stay in to catch up on chores, so when monday came i was really excited to go and see John and school had broken up for summer so we planned to spend all day together. I got ready super quick and then started to walk around the corner to meet John by the bus stop but as i looked to cross the road i saw Paul just coming out of his front door, all i could do was walk quicker and hope that he wouldn't see me, but he did. As i sped up i began to hear him running up behind me which made me turn around quickly just to check it was him but before i knew it he had ran straight past me, without saying a word, and just about made the approaching bus, successfully making his hard feelings known to me. The best thing i could do was to just shrug it off and persuade myself that i didn't need him anymore which is true, i have John now.
'Hey Baby' John said as he greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I loved his hugs so much, especially when i nestled my head by his chest and smelt his scent, it was always an electric feeling. 'So Lennon, what are we going to do then?' I asked as we walked through the street hand in hand to the sounds of birds tweeting in the trees above, 'i'm thinking introducing you to Mimi then chilling in the park then maybe gazing at the stars after dark' John replied and i was shocked, one at me being introduced to Mimi and two that he was so unlike the other teddy boys who would just take their girlfriends to stand on a pile of rubble to watch them smoke and fight the others, which i was glad to avoid. 'Your taking me to meet Mimi?' I questioned a bit shocked scene as we all knew how strict she was about John bringing girls home and we had only been together a few weeks, it must be getting serious. 'Yeah. I want her to know how lovely you are and that we are serious about making it work, don't worry though she will secretly really like you' John spoke with a smile and i caught onto the word 'serious' which made me think about marriage and kids and all that stuff that i didn't want for years but in a way i was also 'serious' about making it work, i still had to ask though. 'You are serious then?' I said and held my breath for the answer, 'of course i am Jade. I mean serious as in staying together not like marriage or anything, bloody hell we're not even 18 yet' He laughed a bit as he said it which made me giggle a bit too because i felt silly for thinking about what i did but it was alright because John just takes things lightly most of the time. 'Just to warn you, Mimi might be a bit off with you but thats just how she is and anyway who cares, its me that loves you and she can't really change that' John said as we quickly approached his house and knocked on the door. I saw the curtains twitch and then the door opened to reveal Mimi, she was quite small and wore red lipstick and welcomed us into the living room which was much nicer that my own, it was lined with nice wallpaper and in the corner was a bookshelf with lots of wonderful books on, it was all very pretty. There was a bit of an awkward silence when we walked in but John soon spoke up to introduce me, 'Aunt Mimi, this is Jade Watson, my girlfriend' which induced more of a conversation, 'Yes John i know. Hello Jade, its very nice to meet you' Mimi said kindly and offered me a drink and a biscuit to which i politely agreed too. We then followed her into the kitchen, 'Hello Mimi, its very nice to meet you too' I said in a kind voice as she handed me a few biscuits on a plate of which i chose one then handed the plate to John. 'So Jade, what sort of things do you enjoy? Art, poetry, school?' Mimi asked me and ushered us back into the living room with some cups of tea. 'Well i enjoy music and writing stories, and as for school i quite enjoy the challenge' i replied trying to make a good impression, 'and thank you for the cup of tea, its very nice' i added after she gave me a bit of a look. 'Oh you sound like John with the music and writing part. What sort of music? Bach, Beethoven?' Mimi said as we all sipped our tea which actually was very nice considering I'm more of a coffee person. Out of he corner of my eye i saw John flash me a smile as if to say 'be yourself' which i took on board. 'I usually listen to rock and roll stuff like Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley, but i also appreciate the classical side of music such as Mozart and Bach' i said trying to be myself and please her at the same time which was tricky as i didn't really want to lie.
There was a few seconds of silence while we drank our tea until Mimi spoke up again, 'Quite an eclectic taste then Jade, we are all very different'. John looked up at the clock on the mantle piece and then got up of the sofa, 'Thanks Aunt Mimi, we best be off now' John said as i too got up, 'Yes thank you very much, its been nice to see you' i smiled politely then followed John to the door, 'Its been nice to see you as well Jade, bye bye now' she said as we walked out and waved to her from down the street a bit.
After 10 minutes of strolling hand in hand in deep conversation we arrived at the cafe in the park, i'd seen it a few times but never actually been inside. It was quite small but had an array of sandwiches, fruit and confectionary, 'choose whatever you fancy' John told me, and i did, so did he. 'Theres so much!' I gasped looking at both the multiple chocolate bars and the prices, 'and look at the prices' i continued, picking up a nice looking ham sandwich and handed it to John to go with his Jam one on the counter, plus two cans of coke and a chocolate bar for each of us. 'Ahh its not too pricey considering it tastes pretty good' John said as he paid and carried the food to a picnic bench where we sat and ate it all, well i didn't really want the chocolate because i felt like i'd put a tiny bit of weight on lately, although it was probably just me being paranoid. 'John thanks for buying me food, it makes me love you even more' i giggled, as did John, then he said 'not a problem, especially for my Jade' which made me blush and look away. 'Gone shy have we?' John added as he tried to catch eye contact with me, 'Urm no, i'm just flattered' I said and leaned over the table to give him a little kiss on the lips, his kisses always give me butterflies, which is something i didn't feel with Paul so much. That lead me onto the question, 'So Lennon, why did you choose me to be your girlfriend over all the girls?' He looked a bit shocked because the question was a bit random but replied with ease, 'well, I've got a feeling about you. I mean i can't forget you. All the other girls that i've fucked just walked away and i felt nothing for them but with you i felt different'. I knew exactly what he meant. I was in the same mind set, after i had been with John i thought about him loads but with Paul the feeling went and i just wanted to be with John more. 'Same here. I mean with you i think about you all the time but Paul was just in the moment, ya' know' I said to John as i moved over to sit by him on the other side of the picnic table, 'Oh so our Paulies not all he's cracked up to be then?' John asked cheekily which made me giggle and reply with 'lets put it this way, he wasn't a scratch on you Lennon.' I saw John smile at that then i leaned in and kissed him for only a few seconds until he said 'Jade, those old people are staring' in a joking kind of way but we continued kissing passionately despite a few funny looks. 'You know Lennon i don't fucking care who watches. I'm in love with you and i'm going to show it despite who's watching' I said proudly and put one hand on his face and ran the other one through his luscious brown hair as the kiss became deeper and deeper until we fell off the bench but we still carried on.

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