Got to get to you

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'Want to come out to the Cavern with me later?' John asked as he kissed me goodbye and i walked up the drive. 'Of course i do Lennon' i smiled at him as i went through the front door. 'pick you up at seven' he winked and walked down the road.
I set my bag down on the sofa and then my Mom walked in from upstairs. I suddenly tensed and hoped the school hadn't phoned her or anything.
'Hi Honey, a bit late back aren't you.' She said suspiciously as she hung her apron on the door handle. 'Oh yeah, i was just urmmm, went for a walk with John. Its only half an hour late though' I replied slowly trying to sound normal and think of an excuse. Mom looked like she knew more though and quizzed me a bit more, 'Oh sounds nice, where did you walk?'
'Just around the park and then here'
'How was school then?' She persisted making me wish i had thought of the excuses on the way home.
'Alright, same as usual' i sighed in the usual way to make it look as casual as possible, then she said, 'thats strange scene as you weren't there'. I shivered a bit and couldn't get any words out but Mom sure could. 'school said you were seen leaving with John, that boy, a teddy boy is not what i wanted for you. I raised you well and now you go and rebel and lie and god knows what. I'm stopping you from seeing him.' She said firmly while staring at me. I began to cry and shouted 'no i need to see him and you can't fucking stop me!' I ran upstairs and threw my self on the bed in a rage. At that moment all i wanted was John to hold me and tell me it was alright and i remembered that i was meant to be going to the Cavern tonight with him but there was no way my Mom would let me now and if John came to the door she would yell and send him away.

I lay on my bed for an hour until i heard my Mom go out of the front door to visit her friend as she always does on a Monday and then i ran downstairs to call John. He had given me his number at the party so i dialled at and a woman answered, it must have been his Aunt Mimi 'Hello' she said, 'Hello, is John there please?' I asked politely. 'Yes he is, who's talking?' She asked. 'Jade, his girlfriend' i felt elated when i said i'm his girlfriend. 'Hello Jade. John told me about you. I'll go and get him.' I heard her then shout John as i wondered what he has been saying about me, the he picked up. 'Hi John, the school phoned my Mom and she has banned from seeing you, but i have a plan' i said feeling a year in my eye. 'They phoned Mimi too and she said i can't go out but i will. I'd like to hear this plan then' John whispered so Mimi wouldn't hear. 'The plan is that when you get out come to mine and help me climb out the window so my Mom won't notice A that i'm out and B i'm with you' I giggled a bit because it sounded stranger than it did in my head and i expected John to say it was crazy but instead he agreed and said 'okay i'll be outside your window at about seven and we'll get you out'
'Thanks John, i didn't think you'd agree!' I said surprised.
'Jade, you know we are secretly just as strange as each other.'
Then we both burst out laughing for a few seconds until i heard my Mom unlock the door and i panicked. 'John my Moms just got home. Love you Lennon, bye.' I said as i put the phone down and ran back upstairs to my room to get ready.
It was already six o'clock so i had to be quite quick to get ready in time. I picked out a black dress that came an inch above my knee and shoes with a slight heel, then i applied some more foundation, eyeliner, blush and mascara, brushed my hair and plumped it with some hairspray and sat by the window to wait.
At exactly ten to seven John appeared standing outside my window, in the garden, looking handsome in his dark jeans, leather jacket and teddy boy hair greased back into a ducks arse. I waved and opened my window knowing that my Mother wouldn't see us because she was in the kitchen at the front of the house. I cautiously got onto the windowsill, John was directly below me at all times, and climbed onto the drain pipe and shimmied down it uncomfortably then when i was about 6 foot off the floor John told me to let go and i did and found myself in Johns arms like a baby. 'You look lovely honey' he said as he kissed me and carried me out of the gate like that. 'Back at you Lennon' i said as he put me down and we ran around the corner and down the road so we wouldn't be seen.

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