We're Getting . . . . Married?

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Type: Cute and fluff and stuff

Word Count: 843

I woke up tangled in the bedsheets, feeling oddly chilly. I squirmed, forcing my tired eyes open and saw that Connor wasn't in bed with me. I groaned and debated if I should call for him to come to bed with me or get up to find him, finally forcing myself out of bed. I stumbled into the kitchen, still half asleep and banged my knee on the table leg.

"Owwww," I cried, clutching my leg as I barely kept my balance. When only the silence of our apartment answered back, I began to worry. Where was Connor? He always came running if he heard a peep out of me.

I limped over to the door and peered into the livingroom, my morning eyes not letting me see a thing. The room was empty.

"Connor?" I said, my rusty morning voice cracking slightly. No answer. "Connah!?" I got more panicky. I rushed back through the kitchen about to search all the other rooms when I spotted the clock and immediately stopped.


It was almost 1:00pm.

I mentally slapped myself. Connor was starting his new job at the coffee shop today at noon. I groaned and plopped down on the kitchen chair. Great. I would have to spend the whole day alone.

I passed out on the couch only a few hours later and jerked awake when I heard a car pulled up in front of the apartment. My stomach hurt and my knee now had a giant bruise on it, but I was still happy to see Connor.

I didn't make it to the door in time before I heard the clicking of keys and it was swung open, my adorable boyfriend standing there with the largest smile on his face. And was that was looked like . . . tears?

"Con, are you alright?" I asked, "What's going on?"

"Oh my god Troye," Connor spazzed, "I am beyond alright."

Before I could ask anything else he was squeezing me in the warmest hug and crying and laughing all over my shirt.

"C-Con, what the fuck happened?"

He looked up at me, his teary eyes sparkling with excitement. "Babe, we're getting married."

"W-what?" I said confused, completely caught off guard. My heart was beating at the speed of light as I tried to understand what in the world brought this all on.

"Check the news, Tro," he whispered, pulling me to my laptop. I gave him a confused look but obeyed.

My eyes went wide as all the photos, news articles, and tweets poured in. "Ohmygod." I looked up at Connor the corners of my eyes tearing up as well. "Oh my fucking god yes. They legalized gay marriage in all 50 states?"

"Yes, Troye," Connor laughed, and I hugged him, pulling him onto the bed with me. I snuggled into him, my hands shaking as I was still amazed.

"This is amazing Con da bon," I choked. Connor stoked my arm his chin resting on the top of my head.

"Yes it is, Troye the boy."

He kissed the top of my head and turned my head up to face him. I leaned in and gave him a kiss on his perfect lips, salty with tears. I was sure there was no possible way I could ever smile anymore. I kissed his cheek and snuggled back down into his side, our arms and legs intertwined. I closed my eyes. Maybe I looked relaxed, but I was trembling inside with excitement.

"Yes," I breathed.

Connor tilted his head. "Yes, what?"

"Yes, we're getting married."


I watched the rainbow flags flutter in the afternoon breeze, people laughing and cheering loudly. I was at the pride parade with Connor, and so was Tyler, Korey, and Joe Sugg and Caspar (who were all over each other).

I was standing next to Connor, a little nervous about telling the others. He looked over at me, taking my hand and smiling, making me blush slightly.

"Aww," Joe said to us, although we were the ones awing as Caspar wrapped his arm around Joe.

"Guys," Connor started, looking at me for confirmation. I nodded and he continued, "We have something to announce."

"Okay," Tyler said, already interested. "What is it?"

"Well," Connor smiled, "Troye and I are getting married!" Tyler's eyes went wide, along with everyone else.

"Oh my god, no way!"


"When's it going to be?"

"Are we invited?"

"You're so in love."

I giggled next to Connor wrapped my arms around Connor. "You'll find out soon. Very soon." They weren't exactly satisfied with that answer, and I couldn't blame them for wanting all the juicy details.

Connor and I walked through the parade and sat on the curb, sharing a bag of popcorn as we watched the floats go by.

"I can't believe this is happening," he said. I looked over at Connor. For the first time today, all my attention was on him, his beautiful green eyes, soft and thin lips, and fluffy, perfectly-styled hair. He was so beautiful.

I couldn't wait to marry him.

Tronnor Oneshots - StarryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora