"Just Friends."

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Word count: 1,679

Type: um title ;)


No one could deny that Troye and Connor were best friends. The other YouTubers all knew that. They two never left each other's sides. They did basically everything together and seemed to never spend a minute apart. Whenever all the YouTubers were talking, Connor and Troye would be off in their own little word, giggling at each other and forgetting that anyone else existed. The rest of the crew started to notice this during the second YouTuber trip. As everyone gathered in the lobby, Connor and Troye sat together on one of the couches.

"What are we even doing today?" Connor laughed.

"I have no idea," Troye said. "But I really want some Nutella and Netflix right now."

Connor rolled his eyes, but agreed. "True. It's way too early to be up right now. I got no sleep."

"I can see," Troye said. Connor narrowed his eyes and Troye gave a sly smile, giggling.

"Oh shut up, I don't look that bad."

"Fine," Troye said, "but your hair could use some attention." Connor scoffed, shoving Troye playfully. He yelped as he was pushed down onto the couch, but pushed back with a laugh.

"Okay, if that's how you want to play," Troye smirked, diving at Connor and started to tickle him.

"Nooo!" Connor cried, struggling to get away. "S-S-Stop!" He was laughing uncontrollably, and Troye new he won. "Ahh! Troyyye!"

Troye stopped only briefly, and Connor stopped laughing, looking up at Troye with teary eyes and a huge smile. His smile faded into only a small one when Troye didn't move, the two of them close as they gazed into eachother's eyes.

"You're eyes are so . . . green," Troye said, making Connor laugh slightly.

"Yeah, they are," Connor said.

Troye rolled his eyes. "I was trying to be nice."

"Aww," Connor squealed, wrapping his arms around Troye and pulling him on top of him in a hug. "You're already nice." Troye smiled, hugging Connor back.

"You've never said that before."

"Um, guys," Zoe coughed, biting her lip to hide her smile when the two boys looked up and quickly let go of each other. "Hey, so everyone's here. We're getting ubers, so decide who you're going with. I mean, I'm assuming you'll want to be in the same car . . ."

Connor blushed. "Right, yeah." He looked over at Troye who was hiding a smile behind his hand.

"You're so awkward," Troye whispered.

"N-No," Connor defended, only making himself blush more. Zoe looked between the boys.

"Um," She asked, "so are you guys, like, you know . . . together?"

Connor's eyes went wide. "No. Not at all."

"We're just friends," Troye stated. Connor nodded at Zoe reassuringly. Zoe only nodded, unconvinced.

"Right. Okay, well come on. The others are waiting."

Connor and Troye stood up, following after Zoe as Tyler, Marcus, and Alfie watched them. They noticed it too, the way they acted together.


Everyone got to the beach, and of course Troye and Connor sat together in the uber, which wasn't a surprise to anyone.

The day was long, but fun. Troye and Connor laid down under one of the trees. Zoe noticed them playing with each other's fingers as they talked quietly and occasionally laughed or pushed the other one teasingly.

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