Day at the Beach

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Word count: 1,095

BEFORE YOU READ THIS: The p.o.v might confuse you at first because it's not Connor's or Troye's. (Spoiler alert: it's from a fan's perspective.) But just give it some time idk if you'll like it I hope so ok bye.


"Rachel, did you forget the towels?" Peyton sighed as she shuffled through the trunk.

I rolled my eyes as I closed the car door behind me, dragging the towels over my shoulder. "Ahem," I said and she looked up, slightly embarrassed.

"Oh," she laughed, taking her towel and beach bag as she handed me mine. Peyton walked ahead of me as we left the parking lot and walked down to the beach. My feet touched the sand and I took off my flip flops immediately, smiling at the sun reflected in the perfectly blue water. It was a beautiful day and the beach was crowded with happy families, couples, and friends.

We put down our stuff and I quickly went to the bathroom to change into my swimsuit. I put my clothes back into my bag after I changed and walked back outside right when Peyton came running up to me.

"Oh my god Rachel," she said with wide eyes. I gave her a funny look, not knowing what she was freaking out about.

"What?" I asked.

"It's Troye Sivan!" she flipped, waving her hands around her like she was mad. I rolled my eyes, giggling slightly.

"Sure thing, Peyton," I said, continuing to walk down the beach. The one and only Troye Sivan on the same beach we were at? Ha, likely story.

"No, I'm being serious!" She cried, speed walking after me.

I sighed. "That would be amazing. Don't joke about that, it's not funny." Meeting Troye would be my dream. Well, and also meeting Connor.

"Rachel! Oh my god, just look!! I'm--" I stopped in my tracks when my eyes fell on a brown haired boy at the other end of the beach. No. It couldn't be.

He turned around briefly but that was the only clarification I needed. Peyton was telling the truth.

"OH. MY. GOD." I said, staring in disbelief at the teenager who didn't even notice I was there.

"I told you!" Peyton screeched next to me, and soon we were both freaking out and whisper-yelling at each other about what the frick we were going to do next.

"Let's go up and say hi," she said, surprisingly calm compared to me.

"Y-yeah," I said. "Let's do th-that."

We started walking along the water's edge to where Troye was sitting on a blanket when I noticed someone next to him.

"Um, Peyton, who's that?" I asked, pointing. As soon as the words left my mouth I recognised him. Nope.


Not happening.

It was Connor Franta.

Yes, it was THE Connor Franta hanging out with THE Troye Sivan that were at the exact same beach as us.

"C-Connor!" I tried not to scream.

"Oh my god, this is crazy," Peyton said with wide eyes. Yeah, yeah it was. So crazy that I started to not be able to breath. I turned and faced my friend so quickly that she jumped.

"Pinch me," I just stated.

"W-What?" She looked at me like I was crazy.

"This isn't real," I said.

"Oh yes it is," she said, raising her eyebrows and motioning to the two boys. I looked to where she was pointing and . . .

. . . um . . .

. . . no way . . .

If I was seeing clearly (and we were only a few meters away from them), Connor and Troye were awfully close to eachother. Closer than any girl or boy had ever been to me. Unless I was hallucinating, Troye was kissing Connor. Or Connor was kissing Troye. Troye was holding Connor's face and Connor had his hands on Troye's waist.

Oh, and did I forget to mention they were both in their swimsuits?

I freaked out even more inside, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Connor's gay??" Peyton whispered. She was probably heart broken since she had the biggest crush on him since she first discovered his YouTube videos.

"Oh, I already knew that," I giggled, not even able to peel my eyes from the adorable couple. "But now we know Tronnor is pretty freaking real."

They stopped kissing and started laughing and talking again. Troye jumped up and ran to the water as Connor rolled his eyes. Not letting my chance slip, I walked right ahead of Peyton, not even listening to what she had to say, and walked up to Connor with the biggest smile on my face.

"H-hi Connor," I said, suddenly feeling more shy. "Um, I watch your videos and you're a huge inspiration so I thought I'd say hi."

Connor smiled at me cutely. "Aww, thank you. I'm so glad you did! How are you?"

"I'm good," I said, laughing slightly and still not able to comprehend the fact that I was talking to him. "I'm Rachel."

"Nice to meet you, Rachel," Connor said genuinely and stood up to give me a little hug. After he hugged me and I still couldn't believe what was happening, Troye came jogging back up to us.

"Con, you should come! The water's--" he paused, seeing me for the first time. "Who's this?"

"This is Rachel," Connor said. Troye smiled at me and looked like he was about to speak when his eyes went wide and he looked frantically at Connor.

"What?" Connor asked, confused.

"Did . . . did you . . ." Troye said to me, "umm . . . see anything?"

I realised what Troye was talking about the same time Connor did. Connor's face went completely pale and he just looked at me and I could tell how embarrassed he was.

"Did you . . .?" Connor asked, his cheeks going bright red.

"Umm," I started, not really sure how to say it, "If you consider watching my OTP kiss on a beach anything, then I guess, yeah?"

Connor and Troye both looked at each other but Connor eventually just sighed. "I knew this was going to happen," he said, laughing slightly.

"It's fine," Troye said as he took Connor's hand, intertwining their fingers. "Just, don't tell anyone."

"Don't worry," I said. I just wanted them to be happy together, so I would never spread gossip like that. "I won't."

I noticed Peyton standing shyly behind me. "This is Peyton," I said for her and moved out of the way. She blushed and gave a tiny wave.

"Hi!" Connor and Troye said.

"Umm," she spoke up, "It's okay Connor, if you're gay I mean. You're really cute together so . . ."

"Aww, thanks," Connor said sweetly.

"Hey, let's forget that happened," Troye said jokingly before giving Connor a peck on the lips (making me and Peyton squeal). "So, do you want to take some photos?"

"Yes!" Peyton and I agreed at the same time.

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